Chapter 12 - a rematch

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Draco's pov:

Me and Harriet were walking to the great hall to eat breakfast while talking. "Harriet, I'm not changing my hairstyle." I groaned out. "Draco, the first years think you're a vampire everytime you walk past them." Harriet said and I didn't believe her on that. "Really?" I asked sarcastically, then Harriet looked around and saw one of the first years. "Here watch." Harriet said, then one of the first years came.

"Hey, just a quick second of your time. What do you think my friend looks like with his hair style?" Harriet asked and I rolled my eyes a little. "A vampire." The first year said then left. "Okay, I'll just think about it then." I said and I kinda have to admit, having my hair slicked back all the time was annoying. "Anyway, aside from that. Do you think we should do some pranks on Potter and his friends later? Or tomorrow?" Harriet asked and I thought for a second.

"I think we should just do it tomorrow, so that way we can have some time to prepare." I said and Harriet nodded. We arrived at the great hall then we saw Pansy and Blaise at the Slytherin table and we went to go sit with them. Harriet and I started eating with Pansy and Blaise, Harriet started feeding Frost fire and I'm wondering how she manages to hide Frost fire, since she brings Frost fire everywhere and he's getting bigger every month. While we were eating, Potter and his friends came with the most upset looks on their faces.

"What do you want, Potter?" Pansy asked, eating her breakfast. "We're here, because I want a rematch with Snape junior here from yesterday's duel." Potter said, and that got everyone's attention. "Why? Are you a sore loser who won't take defeat from a Slytherin girl?" Harriet asked with an evil smile on her face, and almost all the Slytherin students laughed. "No, you caught Harry off guard so he wants a rematch." Granger said and I rolled my eyes.

"Unless that is if you're a...coward?" Potter said with a taunting smile in his face, and all the Slytherin students gasped, because Harriet hates being called that word. One Slytherin student called her one, and they ended up in the hospital wing for a month. Harriet also hates that name because James called Professor Snape a coward back when he was still studying in Hogwarts. Harriet gave me Frost fire for a second and stood up. "You want a rematch? Then I'll give a duel you'll never forget." Harriet said and plants started coming around her but not too close, which scared everyone.

"We'll have our rematch on the courtyard. This coming saturday. And once the match is over there will be no rematches and it will only be one match no more than that." Harriet said and Potter agreed. "Fine, but you can't use any dark magic, or any protection spells on yourself before the match." Potter said and Harriet nodded. "Deal, and if I win, you have to leave me and the rest of the Slytherin students alone for the rest of the year and say that Slytherin is the best house in hogwarts." Harriet said and she knew that would make his blood boil.

"Fine, but the school can't be the only audience so I think I should invite a few important people so they can see me beat you." Harry said, and does he seriously think that will scare Harriet? "Fine, I can't wait for them to see you lose." Harriet said, and that scared the "Golden" trio and they left. Everyone went back to what they were doing before, some started placing bets, most were all for Harry and the entire Slytherin table betted Harriet. Professor Snape heard this and he seemed really mad when he heard the word "coward".

The rest of the week, I helped Harriet practice her magic and all sorts of spells. Since Potter didn't mention anything about elemental magic, then technically it is allowed to be used if necessary and only me, Pansy, Blaise, Professor Snape, and my parents knew about Harriet's elemental magic. Harriet started practicing advanced spells that take weeks to learn but for Harriet, just give her a book of charms and she cast the spell for the first time and gets it right.

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