Chapter 28 - The first task

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Harriet's pov:

I was in the library with Draco, it was the weekend and we were stressed out of our minds. The first trial is on November 24 which is in two weeks, Draco is going to have to face the first task and no one knows what it is. Everyone in Slytherin has been very supportive for Draco because in Slytherin, we treat everyone as family, plus they all knew Draco didn't put his name in the goblet. Draco and I decided to call it a night, and go back to the dorms, Filch and Mrs. Norris were fine with us going through the halls at night, so we didn't have to worry about them.

I was a little sleepy and the halls were really dark. When Draco and I went outside the library, we saw something glowing in the halls. Curiosity got the better of me and Draco so we decided to go see what it was. Once me and Draco saw the source of the glowing light, someone casted their and it was a patronus which was a Doe. The Doe noticed us, and jumped around me and Draco, the Doe went behind me and pushed me. "I guess it wants us to follow it." Draco said and I nodded.

The doe started to run out of the school and into the forest, Draco and I continued to follow the Doe until it stopped. Doe started to slow down, it stopped. Me and Draco looked around then we saw fire coming out and people were talking and trying to get in the cage. "Dragons." I whispered, then fire came out from one of the dragons mouth and I got a clear look of it. The people that were trying to get the dragon in a cage was a Hungarian horntail.

The Patronus Doe disappeared, Draco and I looked at the other dragons and we saw a Swedish short-snout, a Chinese Fireball, and a common welsh green. When me and Draco got a good look at each dragon, I noticed the Potter was also here with Weasley. Me and Draco went back to the dorm rooms, so we could get some rest. The next few days me and Draco studied all we could about each dragon we saw, and since Frost fire is now the size of a hippogriff, he would be the perfect training partner for Draco.

When the day finally came, family and friends were allowed to go inside the tent to support the champions, I went inside the waiting tent near the arena and I saw Draco putting some hand wraps on his right arm. "Hey Draco." I said and Draco looked up and hugged me. "Good luck out there careful." I said and Draco smiled. I was about to leave the tent when James and Lily came in the tent. "Mr. Potter." I said in an annoyed voice. "Harriet." James said, and Lila stayed quiet.

I walked past them and Frost fire came to me. Frost fire and I were about to walk to our seats, but I have to make him smaller first. "Reducio." I said, then Frost fire was now the same size, when I first got him as a baby. "Aw, I hate being small." Frost fire said, then crawled up to my arm and I giggled. "Don't worry, I'll change you back to your original size later." I said, then I heard people talking, I decided to stay and listen. I heard that Viktor got the Chinese Fireball, Fleur got the Welsh Green, Draco got the Swedish short-snout, and Potter got the Hungrain horntail.

I smiled, then went to my seat with Frost fire, I sat beside Pansy and Blaise, they were both as nervous as me for Draco. Pansy was hugging Blaise's arm and I always thought they would be a couple but I guess they only see each other as friends. When Viktor came out everyone was either excited or scared to see how this would turn out. The Chinese Fireball came out from the cafe, the objective was to take the egg from the dragon's nest, and whoever can get the dragon's egg can pass onto the next trial and the highest points.

Viktor came first, I won't lie, he was very strategic. He used a conjunctive curse to blind the dragon, while the Dragon was having a hard time moving around. It ended up destroying half of the real eggs and I felt bad for it. Fleur was up next and she casted a sleeping spell on her dragon and walked to get her egg but while the dragon was snoring, it kept breathing fire through its nostrils, Fleur dodge it all but her skirt got set on fire, thankfully she was able to put it out. Fleur grabbed her egg and everyone cheered for her.

Next was Draco and I was really nervous, Dad, Lucius and Narcissa came to see if Draco would survive or not because they wanted to see how this would turn out with their own eyes and not want to see it on the daily prophet. I saw Draco taking a deep breath and he got ready to face the Swedish short-snout. "Don't worry, he'll be okay." Frost fire said, sitting on my lap and I smiled.

The Swedish short-snout came out and it looked hungry. Draco first transfigured a rock into a big dog and it distracted the dragon, Draco started running to the egg and he was about to get when the dragon noticed him and breathed fire at him, Draco was able to dodge the fire, he reached the dragon's nest and was about to grab the egg when the dragon's tail hit Draco and he got sent to a wall.

Draco got up and held his arm, Draco then used Incendio and the dragon was distracted by the fire, Draco then ran to the egg and grabbed it. When Draco got the egg, some people got the dragon back inside it's cage, Draco lifted the egg up high and everyone cheered loudly for him. I cheered the loudest because I was happy he was alive and okay, sort of. Potter was the last one and he was somehow lucky to survive his dragon, Hungrian horntails always kill their target whether they are small or big, they will kill them.

When the trial was over, I quickly got out of my seat and went directly to the waiting tent and saw Draco sitting down with some bandages on his left arm and a piece of cloth was over his head and holding his left arm. I ran to Draco and hugged him. "You did it! You did it!" I said, and hugged him really tight. "Ow, my arm." Draco said and I quickly let go. "Sorry." I said then helped make sure his arm was okay. Lucius and Narcissa came in and saw Draco and immediately hugged him.

"You did so well, we are so proud of you." Narcissa said and hugged Draco. "I agree." Lucius said and hugged Draco as well. I suddenly felt the hair on the back of my neck stand. "Incendio." I heard someone say and I quickly brought out my wand. "Protego." I said, and the fire was redirected, then Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco looked up. When I saw who casted the spell, I rolled my eyes, it was James Potter. "Are you insane, you could have burned us!" I yelled at him.

"I was trying to burn you! I have had enough with you being a burden with people knowing your true name." James said, then Frost fire came out from my jacket and blasted ice on his face. "Why you little-" Before James could finish Lucius put me behind him and casted Flipendo and he was now on the ground. "What is going on in here?!" Dad said and he came in. "Well, Mr. Potter tried to burn Harriet." Lucius said and Narcissa hugged me tight in her arms.

"Mr. Potter, you should know by now that you should not harm any of the students no matter how much you dislike them." Dad said and I smiled. James got up and stormed off to go somewhere else, then Lily came in. "I'm sorry for James' behaviour. Come on Harry, I can help put the rest of the bandages on you." Lily said, then Potter followed her to the hospital wing.

After that, I helped Draco get back to the common room with the golden dragon egg, while we were walking through halls, everyone congratulated him on the way, except the Gryffindors. When we got back to the common room, everyone cheered for Draco, and two of the 8th years lifted him up and everyone chanted his name and it was nice someone else had the spotlight for once.

"Okay everyone, he did just injure his arm and he still needs to figure out what the next trial is." I said, the 8th years put him down and everyone continued to congratulate him, then everyone eventually went to their dorms and changed into their pajamas. "Hey wait, you haven't changed me back yet!" Frost fire said and I almost forgot about that. "Oh yeah." I said, then I brought out my wand. "Engorgio." I said then Frost fire went back to his original size.

"I kinda liked him at that size." Basili said and Hedwig laughed a little. "Okay, time to go to bed now." I said, then Basili slithered to my pillow, Frost fire slept on the floor and he said he liked sleeping there, Hewdig slept on her bird post. I was about to go to bed when I heard someone knocking on my door, I got out of bed and saw Draco. "Hey, mind if I sleep here tonight?" Draco asked and I nodded with a smile on my face.

Draco and I sleep on my bed, and it felt nice being by his side. I really loved having Draco as a friend, but I wanted to be more than that, but I guess he will only see me as a friend. I go to sleep with Draco beside me and I was happy he was still alive.

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