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(im so sorry if sugawara or anyone else seems out of character!)

I walk slowly through the halls of my new school, Karasuno High. The year for everyone else already started, I just transferred here a little later from Nekoma High. There was nothing wrong with the school, I just got a new acceptance here. My hand clutches my schedule tightly as I try to find my classroom. My footsteps sound so loud since mostly everyone around me is quiet as I walk by, they're all trying to figure out who I am and why i'm here. I sigh once I realize i'm hopeless, I have no idea where anything is. I walk over to the closest people, a group of three guys. One of them has long brown hair, one of them has short blackish hair, and one has silver hair.

" Hi, sorry to bother you all, but could someone help me out?" I ask. They all turn around and stare at me for a couple seconds before the boy with blackish hair speaks up.

" Yeah sure, what's the problem?" He asks me with a gentle smile on his face.

" I have no idea where my class is. I'm new here so I don't know my way around" I say. I hand him my schedule and he looks up at the boy with the long brown hair. 

" Asahi, she has the same class as you. You can walk her there" He says to the boy apparently named Asahi. ( I don't remember if any of them have class together in the series, if they do then just pretend they don't please, ty!) Asahi looks nervous at first, I guess he isn't great with meeting new people.

" Oh uh yeah sure!" He says. 

" Well thank you for helping me out! I'm Y/n L/n" I say, smiling.

" I'm Daichi Sawamura"

" Koushi Sugawara"

" Asahi Azumane"

They all introduce themselves kindly, and as we waste the last couple of minutes we have before class, we just talk.

" So, Y/n, Are you involved in any sports?" Daichi asks.

" Not really, I used to really like volleyball but I eventually quit and just never got back into athletics" I respond. 

" Oh, we're actually on the boys volleyball team here!" Daichi says.

" Oh that's so cool! Maybe I can stop by sometime!" I say. The bell rings once I finish up my sentence so I look over at Asahi.

" Should we go now?" I ask him, he nods his head and we begin to walk off.

" Bye Daichi, and bye Sugawara!" I yell out as the two of us walk away. I turn my head around to see if they heard me. Daichi is trying to get Suga's attention but Suga keeps staring in my direction, surprised that I remembered his name even though he barely spoke while I was around. I turn back to face front as I walk until we reach the classroom. He begins to walk inside but I start talking.

" Wait Asahi! I just wanted to say thank you again. It means a lot that you were there to help me." I say. He softly smiles.

" No problem, if you need anything else, you can always ask me." He says. 

" You're so sweet, thanks!" I say before walking inside. Everyone goes to their seats so I just sit in the only empty one left. Class actually passes by pretty quickly, I get up and walk over to Asahi's desk since he is one of the only people I know.

" So where are you going now?" I ask.

" Lunch and then practice. You should come sit with me, Daichi and Suga- but only if you want of course!" He says, kind of panicking about him possibly sounding pushy and like he's trying to drag me around.

" Sure, sounds good!" I reply. We then leave the room and he walks me over to where the other two boys are.

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