A New Beginning

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Hey everyone! So here's the sequel to my first book, Only Heart! I really hope you all enjoy! I had to rewrite a few of these chapters! But enjoy!


Ever since our last fight, everything has been going great. John helps out more, and we all seem really happy. But all I want is for it to stay like this. I finally feel complete. With two beautiful daughters, and an amazing husband.

Emma is about a month old and Scarlett is turning 6 pretty soon, so we should start planning a birthday party. She's grown up so fast, and I'm honestly getting a little emotional about it.


"Morning Babe." John whispers, while rubbing my hip.

"Good morning handsome." I replied with a smirk.

"How are you?"

"Eh. I'm okay. Just really nerv--"

I was cut off my my phone ringing.


"Fuck. Sorry babe I gotta take this. I'll be right back."

I pecked his lips a few times and ran into the bathroom.

When I got in, I closed the door behind me and hit accept.

"Katy! Get your ass moving! The Super Bowl is in 3 days! We need you at Johnny's house for a few last fittings at 1 sharp. Be there."

She hung up and I sighed, putting my phone down in the counter.

"You okay, Kate?" John asks.

"Yup." I said. Smiling, and opening the door.

"Come here."

I sighed and sat down in the bed next to him.

"I have to go to Arizona today. I don't really want to leave you." I say, as I fiddled with my fingers.

"I can come with you! Don't you worry." He replied, as he cupped his hands on my cheeks.

"What about Emma? I don't mind Scarlett, but I'm just worried..."

"She can stay with my brother."

"Why do you seem so sure about this?"

"Because I have it already planned out." He smirked.

I smiled and bit my lip. He always has a way of making me happy...

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