Just the start

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Kenma POV:

"Oy, Kenma!"
I glanced up from my phone to see Kuroo stood with his hand around yet another girls waist. I looked back down at my phone, and after a couple seconds Kuroo responded: "Don't worry, Kenma's like that to a lot of people,"he told her, pulling the girl slightly closer to him. She giggled. I rolled my eyes.

I clicked my phone off, and began to tie my wrap around the full box of food before stuffing it back into my bag. Still ignoring the couple stood next to me. The break would be ending soon, so I put my phone into its small compartment too. I could tell Kuroo was looking at me, but I ignored his gaze. I heard an exchange between him and the girl before she skipped off.

Kuroo was always with a girl, they practically fell at his feet. It helps that's he's quite popular, but it still surprises me just how many take interest in him. I guess it's his looks, and probably demeanor as well. He tends to swagger in the halls, walking with his tie loose and blazer swung over one shoulder. Oh, and the number one thing too many girls fall for: his hair.

I swear his worst nightmare would be to go bald. Kuroo is constantly adjusting it, and probably taking frequent bathroom breaks to ensure the meticulously styled gel has remained in his signature style. Beyond that though, there's not much that goes through his head besides volleyball. Sure he was smart, smarter than he cared to give on, but I was one of the few who saw that side of him. At school he tended to breeze through classes, and crack immature jokes with the guys around him. Yet somehow he passes, well more than passes all his subjects. All besides English, that is. However, with my help he's fine there too. I beat him in that category, despite being a year below him.

I stood up, hiking my bag onto my shoulder, and turned to make my way towards class when someone grabbed my wrist.
I swerved around, slightly annoyed now, to see Kuroo. He had a stern yet slightly confused expression. "What is it?" I asked. It must have been anger that caused me to go so red as he clung to my wrist. He looked as though he wanted to say something, but couldn't quite make up his mind. I broke free of his hold, and let out a sigh. "Look, I'll see you at practice." With that I set off.

Whatever the case, there was always someone he seemed to be with. For the most part I didn't even know their names. Not like I cared enough to want to know. It just bugged me that he would have them for a couple months at most before dropping them and moving on. I never understood why he did that.

Only recently had it really started to annoy me. I couldn't really figure out why that was the case, but the girls seemed to just multiply, as did my feelings of what I only assumed were annoyance.


I plugged in my headphones making my way to the locker room to quickly change.

"Damnit." I muttered under my breath, rummaging through my bag.

It was mid September, therefore the weather changed up every day, but today had been cold, and I forgot a sweatshirt to change into after volleyball. The school blazers were a pain to clean, and not as warm as they looked. Plus I hated having to put it back on after sweating.

"Oy Kenma!" Kuroo seemed to have noticed and tossed me his hoodie. "Don't you need this though?" I asked. He shrugged, "I'll manage." He smiled and continued to change. I averted my gaze, but felt that odd feeling again. I wasn't mad now though? So why was the feeling still there? I brushed it off.

Kuroo sat on one of the benches, and punched both his knee pads with the side of his fist before standing up. It was his pre-match or practice ritual that he never failed to do. He then went to the door, opening it for everyone as they finished getting ready. As I passed, the last to leave as usual, he asked me; "Are we still on for tonight?"
I tutored him for English every Friday.
"Yes? Why wouldn't we be?" I asked full well knowing he questioned because of lunch. "Well, I just figured I'd double check after what happened at lunch... look Kenma"- I cut him off. "It doesn't matter. Honestly, I could care less." I pushed past him. I didn't mean for it to come off as cold as it did.

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