13. All There's To Do Is Talk

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» Word count: 3,139 «

Fundy lowered his axe, while Techno put his bow away. Ant had his hands behind his back, his tail swaying a little more eager than his face let see. He saw the smile on his face, Techno wearing a frown. Something was between those two, and it wasn't his business; but he was about to make it his business.

"Rivalry?" he asked innocently, taking a step closer. Ant chuckled and Techno looked away. A fox, a pig and a cat having a chat; just one more and it would have been a party. "Why were you following us?"

"I wasn't," Ant purred with a wicked smile.

On the surface level, he didn't like him very much. He remembered last night, when their tails tangled and the electric shook he got when their eyes met. He didn't like that very much. Fox were slick and wicked, well, cats were worse. And by his judgment, Techno knew that too.

"I heard you wanted to see Schlatt. And Techno here doesn't want to take you."

"I didn't say I wasn't going to."

"Were you going to take him? Against Wilbur's and Dream's order?"

"They don't rule over me."

"Seems like they have, for some time now, actually." Ant offered a sympathetic smile, fake as they came. He turned to Fundy, giving him a more genuine smile.

"I don't like this." Fundy frowned, unsure of the situation. He saw the fists and the smiles, not very hidden details.

"Well, too much talking and not much action. If you can get him to take you there, I can take you inside."

"You don't know where it is?"

"Only three people know where it is. Dream, Wilbur and me." Techno answered, with a little rush. Somehow, he didn't want Ant to speak. Not jealousy, really. Jealousy was the least of his worries. "Three know how to get in. Dream, Wilbur and Sam."

"Four!" Ant exclaimed, proudly boasting. "Are we going or are we getting breakfast? We can't do it all right now."

"You are not supposed to know where it is."

"Are they the boss of you? So much for taking down the gover-"

Ant stopped talking, cut off by the bit threatening his neck. He raised his brow at him.

"We will go after breakfast."

Techno lowered his axe, still glaring at Ant. He swung it over his shoulder, walking to the camp without another word. There was little to no need for confrontation. Still, very few people were able to push his buttons.

Fundy watched him leave, speechless. He didn't want to bother him further, but he didn't understand the tension between those two. He looked at Ant, seeing him calm and collected as if nothing. He wanted to ask, but he didn't know what the question could even be.

"Quite the temper, wouldn't you say?"

"Uh, I don't think so?"

"Heard someone's looking for you. Seems it'll be like that for quite some time, huh? If I were you, I would find them. Sounded urgent." Ant shrugged, not really letting know the urgency. Yes, he claimed urgency but his nonchalant tone didn't match. He just smiled, watching him unsure of where to go." Oh, by the way, when you're done, look for Techno. He didn't get to finish his talk."

Ant gave a final wave before going back into the camp, not waiting for an answer. Not like he had one to give.

When he walked through the camp, his appetite was gone again. He couldn't look at their faces without feeling like a stranger, even if he wasn't one anymore. Many times he tried putting himself in their shoes, wondering how it would feel to not see someone for two years straight. Especially, he wondered how it felt to not see someone for two years when they left in rocky waters.

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