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I don't know how we got here.

Somehow, Hinata and I are sitting in prison cells in some castle off in the woods, under the so-called custody of a group of green-cloaked soldiers on horses after they pointed swords at our necks. They all rant about walls, somehow don't come from Japan, let alone know what Japan is, and seem to not even know what a goddamn phone is.

In this day and age? Yeah, I'm not buying it.

But something about their terrifying stupidity and possibly amazing acting- feels a little too real. Hinata and I walking home, suddenly appearing in the middle of some valley out of nowhere feels a little too real. These people with gear and clothing that belong in movies feel a little too real.

Everything about this is way too real. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if this was some sort of fever dream or a cause of a car accident that we got into. I mean, a bright light flashed before we came here, that could have been the headlights of a truck. Maybe I'm just in a coma. Maybe I'm dead.

But everything about this situation feels too real. The way the wind flowed through my hair while riding on the shaky cart earlier. The way I moved my mouth to speak, and a completely foreign language that I understood entirely came out. I've never even spoken this before. How the heck do I understand everything?

This dusty ass cell isn't helping me with getting myself together at all. And it definitely isn't helping Hinata, because I can hear his soft sobs from the other cell.

"Oi... Hinata... You good?" I ask him. He clearly isn't good, you idiot!

Hinata sniffled and went silent for a bit. "What the heck just happened, Kageyama?" He says, his voice cracking.

If I were dreaming, we would be playing volleyball. Hinata would be the loud, overbearingly happy idiot that he is. There is no way in heck that my brain has the capacity of making a scenario in which I am genuinely terrified, and Hinata is crying, for fucks sake.

If it were a nightmare, I know it would also have something to do with volleyball. I know my worst fears, but a situation like this is way beyond my imagination. "I don't know, dumbass. We'll just have to wait it out, and hope we can get home."

I've never been kidnapped before, so naturally, I wouldn't know what to do in this situation.

Just as I was about to say something, I heard footsteps down the hall. In a few moments, the three people who led us to the cells were face to face with us. The person with glasses had a large grin on her face and swung a pair of keys around their finger.

the shifted // a haikyuu x aot crossover Where stories live. Discover now