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Stella's P.O.V

I woke up with a killer headache. The room felt like it was spinning and I couldn't feel my stomach feeling uneasy. I got up and rushed over to the bathroom to throw up. I groaned in disgust a little.

"Are you okay?" I heard a guy ask. My eyes widen a little from the voice. Did I seriously sleep with someone?

"I'm feeling somewhat okay," I answered him before throwing up once more. I grabbed some toilet paper before wiping it around my mouth to get rid of any puke on me. I walked out to see a handsome man standing nearby.

"I am so sorry for throwing up in your bathroom and waking up in your room," I apologized quickly.

"It's fine. Are you okay though? Do you need some water and Advil?" The man asked. My heart started to beat a little fast. Is this how I am going to die?

"No. Look. I should head back to my hotel room and find my friends. They're probably worried about me," I tell him nervously. 

"I'm not going to hurt you. It'll be bad for my reputation," the man tells me.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked.

"You seriously don't know who I am?"

"If I did, I wouldn't be asking you. Also, I did wake up with a hangover that still has an effect on me," I groaned a little. My head was still throbbing from the pain.

"I'm Jasper Kline and according to last night, I am your husband," the man tells me. Why did his name sound so familiar?

My eyes widen in shock. I looked down at my hand to see a gorgeous diamond ring on my left, ring finger. My head was throbbing in pain even more from the news and the hangover. I sat down on the floor to try to comprehend all this while dealing with the pain in my head.

"What?! This has to be some mistake!" I said, panicking a little. Jasper rushed over with bottled water and an Advil.

"Hey. Calm down. Take this," he told me. I put one Advil in my mouth for swallowing it down with some of the water. I stayed quiet for a moment to try to calm myself down.

"I honestly don't know who you are so if we can get this marriage annulled, that would be great," I tell him.

"Bit of a problem about that," Jasper told me.

"What the hell do you mean?" I asked him.

"Well, my family is expecting me now to settle down and if they find out that I had a secret girlfriend who I am planning on marrying, they will get off my back and I can get this player's reputation off my back," Jasper explained to me. Though I heard him, I felt like I still didn't understand him.

"Look, I'm still pretty hungover and I really need to get to my friends," I tell him.

"Of course. Is there any way we can talk about this later?" Jasper asked me.

"Yeah. I should get going. Do you know where I can get a taxi?" I asked him.

"I will call for a private car for you. If you want, you can change back into your clothes, or I can let you stay in my shirt," Jasper told me. I looked down at myself to see that I was in his large, white shirt. Just his shirt and my panties.

"Oh fuck. I'm so sorry," I tell him as I tried to cover myself up.

"It's okay. Go get your clothes and you can change in the bathroom," Jasper told me.

I nodded before getting up from the floor. I rushed over and grabbed my dress and heels before rushing back into the bathroom. I closed the door before changing out of Jasper's shirt and into my dress again.

Never in my life would I think I would have to do the walk of shame. Thank God for that saying, whatever happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. I quickly fixed myself up again before walking out of the bathroom.

"The car will be here in five minutes," Jasper told me.

"That was fast," I pointed out.

"It's no big deal."

"I should give this back to you," I tell him as I took off the ring to give back to him.

"You can keep it if you want," Jasper told me.

"I shouldn't."

"Why not?"

"This thing looks like it cost a lot of money."

"Money isn't really a problem with me," Jasper explained.

"Are you rich or something?" I asked him.

"You really have no idea who I am huh?" Jasper asked.

"Your name sounds familiar."

"I'm Jasper Kline from Kline investments. I also own Kline Hotels and this casino," Jasper mentioned

"Still no clue," I tell him.

"I also dated the actress, Kalie Spade," Jasper added.

"Oh! I read about you in a magazine once," I remembered. He looked different compared to the photo I first saw him in.

"Your car should be here now. May I walk you down?" Jasper asked.


I grabbed my things before walking out of the room. We walked over to the elevator and Jasper pressed the button. The way down was silent.

"So, what brings you to Vegas?" Jasper asked, breaking the silence.

"It was my birthday yesterday so my friends and I took a trip over here," I answered.



"Well happy belated birthday. My apologies but I don't remember your name," Jasper said.

"Oh sorry. I'm Stella. Stella Matthews," I introduce myself to him.

"Pleasure to meet and have married you, Stella," Jasper said, offering a handshake. I smiled softly before shaking his hand.

"Look, last night was a terrible mistake. Don't get me wrong. You're probably a nice guy but I can't be married to you," I admit to him.

"Why not?"

"You should be with someone rich like you. Someone who knows the limelight," I explain to Jasper.

The elevator doors opened. Jasper and I walked out and walked over to the pickup area. I saw a car there and the driver outside of it waiting for us.

"Thank you for the car back to my hotel," I said as I looked at Jasper.

"Here is my number. When you feel better, please call me and we can discuss more the marriage being annulled or if you would hear out my offer," Jasper told me as he handed me a small piece of paper with his number on it.

"And here's your ring back. I don't think I should wear it," I tell him as I took off the ring. I handed it back over to him. Jasper looked down at the ring before looking back up at me. 

"I hope to see you soon, Stella," Jasper said.

"Bye, Jasper," I bid before getting inside the car.

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