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Friday felt like it couldn't come any sooner. I felt anxious for just waiting on it. But the day finally came and I got dressed up for it. I walked over to the living room where Jasper was already dressed. He looked up from his phone but paused his actions the moment he saw me.

"What do you think?" I asked him.

"You look beautiful," Jasper smiled.

"Thank you. And guess what! This dress has pockets! Dresses never really have pockets in them which sucks cause they're really convenient," I tell him as I put my hands in my pocket. Jasper let out a chuckle from my excitement about the pockets in my dress.

"You really like dresses with pockets huh?"

"They're very useful," I tell him.

"Well, let's go show off your dress with pockets then," Jasper told me as he held out a hand. I smiled as I let him hold my hand to lead us to the car.

The art gallery was what I expected. Calming but yet filled with such loud art. I stared at a painting with a glass of champagne settled in my hands.

"Do you like this one?"

I snapped out of my trance as I looked over. I saw Jasper standing next to me as he looked over at the painting.

"It's nice but I feel like if you were to get it, I'd be stuck staring at it forever," I joked.

"We'll can't have that. What if I need you for something?" Jasper joked as well.

"Guess you're gonna have to find someone else."

"But what if I don't want anyone else?" Jasper asked me. I smiled up at him before we heard someone call out his name.


We both turned to look to see a couple walking over towards us. Except, I've seen them before on the news and some magazine articles. It was Bradley and Tessa Bain. One of the most famous power couples in America.

I heard about their controversies and I could never imagine myself going through what they went through. But it seemed that they became more powerful than they were before. I felt inferior just by standing next to the,.

"Hey, Bradley," Jasper said with a handshake. He kissed Tessa's cheek as a greeting. "Hi, Tessa. How are you two?"

"Good. We heard you'd be coming to this art event and we need something new in the living room," Tessa told Jasper.

"That's nice. Oh! Bradley, Tessa, I want you two to meet my girlfriend, Stella," Jasper introduced.

"You finally got a girlfriend? Finally man. No more single life for you," Bradley joked as he patted Jasper's back.

"Don't mind them. It's so nice to meet you, Stella. I'm Tessa Bain," Tessa introduced herself.

"It's nice to meet you. I've seen your designs and they are beautiful," I tell her.

"Thank you. I will be stealing her away," Tessa told Jasper.

"You're in good hands," Jasper told me before kissing my cheek. I smiled before walking with Tessa.

"So, how long have you two been dating?" Tessa asked me.

"A while. Jasper wanted to keep things a secret from the public. But we're ready now," I tell her.

"That's good. We've known Jasper for a while and I have to say, I'm a little offended that he hid you from us. Especially since you could've joined the little rich W.A.G club we have going on," Tessa told me.

Waking Up Married ~Rewritten~Where stories live. Discover now