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Stella's P.O.V

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. I glared over before turning around to not face it. I looked over at my clock to see that it was eight in the morning. I stretched a little before sitting up. I rubbed my eyes a little before getting up to use the bathroom.

Since I barley unpacked yesterday, so today was just focused on that. Since I had quit my jobs, I needed to start picking up a hobby or ask Gwen for advice. I hoped she was getting paid enough.

I turned on the TV as background noise as I started to unpack my things. Jasper had told me that I could put my decorations in the penthouse to show people that we are together and that we were serious. I had photos of me and my friends but none with Jasper. I took out my phone to text Jasper.

Me: We should have some pictures of us in the penthouse. I think people will find it strange that we don't have any hanging around.

Not too long later, Jasper texted me back.

Jasper: We can go out over the weekend and take pictures if you'd like.

Me: That sounds nice. Where should we go?

Jasper: I have a few places in mind. It'll be a surprise.

Me: Okay. I'm gonna cook dinner for tonight. Is there any type of food you're craving for?

Jasper: Surprise me.

Jasper's P.O.V

"Jasper?" I looked up to see Gwen standing in front of me.

"Sorry. Stella texted me."

"It's fine. We just need to go to the florist so you can get a bouquet for her," Gwen told me.

"Right. Do you want to pick something out for your girlfriend?"

"Sure. I'm sure she'd appreciate a bouquet as well."

"What did you do when you wanted to get to know her?" I asked.

"We just hung out and went on dates. Learned what each other liked and tried out activities involving that interest. Overall, it was fun and brought us closer," Gwen told me.

"So spoiling her isn't going to do much," I asked.

"It might. But you could also take her to places she likes. Do things she likes. And then you can introduce her to something you like," Gwen said.

"I will take your advice on that then."

"If I may... Stella is a nice girl. So, just be careful with her okay? She's throwing away her calming life for the life you've grown up in. Just remember that you're used to the wealthy life and the paparazzi. She isn't," Gwen told me before walking off.

I sat in my chair as I thought about what Gwen had just told me. She was right as usual. I remember meeting politicians and celebrities because of how high status my family lived in. Stella had never faced to what I had to face growing up. I know I can only do so much to protect her.

Stella's P.O.V

"Bidi bidi bom bom!" I sung along as I unpacked my stuff. I had Selena playing in the background as I was unpacking my last few boxes.

"Bidi bidi bom bom."

I had the music loud but not too loud for the neighbors to complain. I undid the box before walking back over to the living room where I put the other boxes. I didn't know where to go for the trash so I figured I'd wait for Jasper.

"Cada vez que lo oigo hablar; Me tiemblan hasta las piernas; Y el corazón igual" I sung along. I let out a small scream the moment I saw Jasper standing by the doorway with a bouquet of flowers. I quickly paused the music on my phone before staring at Jasper with wide eyes.

"I didn't know you can sing," Jasper said with a smile.

"I don't. I was just singing along," I said. My face felt hot from being caught.

"Don't be embarrassed," Jasper chuckled as he approached me. "It was cute. Maybe one day you'll catch me singing."

"So who's the flowers for?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.

"For you. I hope you like them," Jasper said as he handing me the bouquet.

"They're beautiful. What's the occasion for?" I asked.

"No occasion. Just wanted to give you something nice."

"I love them. I'll put them in a vase really quick," I tell Jasper before walking off.

"Almost done packing?" Jasper asked me.

"Yeah. I am just doing my last box. Oh, that reminds me! Where can I toss the boxes away?" I asked him.

"I'll take care of it. Don't worry about them."

"Okay. Thank you. I'm actually about to cook some dinner. I didn't know what time you got out of work so I'm sorry that dinner isn't done."

"It's okay. For anything, we can just order out."

"The chicken is already defrosted. I'll find a quick recipe to cook."

"I actually know a few. Why don't you and I cook together?" Jasper offered.

"Okay. Let's do it!" I smiled at him.

"Let me just change out of my suit and I'll start prepping."

"Sounds good."

After I put the flowers in a vase and water, I sat on an island stool as I waited for Jasper. I went on my phone and scrolled through my Instagram. About ten minutes later, Jasper came back to the kitchen.

"Okay. So, what do you think we should cook tonight?" Jasper asked as he walked back over.

"How about chicken parmesan?" I asked.

"Sounds good. Do we have garlic bread?"


"Perfect. Let's get cooking?"

"Okay. I'll grab the ingredients out."

"So, how was your day?" Jasper asked me.

"It was fine. Just unpacked my things."

"Anything else?"

"Not really. What about you? Anything fun at work?"

"My work is anything but fun."

"That sucks."

"Yeah. But I wasn't interested in any other career and my father basically handed me this job so it's fine."

"Would you let your kids choose their own careers?" I asked him.

"Already talking about kids? Are we really that fast?" Jasper joked. I blushed a little before shaking my head. Jasper let out a laugh. "I'm only teasing."

"I know."

"But to answer your question, yes. I'd let them choose whatever they want to be."

"You wouldn't want them to run your business?" I asked him.

"I'd like them too but if they don't want to, they don't need to."

Once we finished dinner and cleaned up the kitchen, we headed upstairs to go to bed.

"It was fun cooking with you," Jasper told me.

"Yeah. We should do it again," I tell him.

"I can get us a cook book and we can try to do one of the recipes."

"I have a few cookbooks. We can pick one and then rock, paper, scissors for the winner," I mentioned. Jasper chuckled before nodding.

"Alright. Fair warning though, I'm really good at rock, paper, scissors."

"I think I can beat you. I have a winning streak myself," I joked back.

"We'll see about that. Goodnight, Stella."

"Night, Jasper."

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