01; unordinary

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Sometimes you wished life was a bit more exciting.

You couldn't really complain. Your family had always been supportive, they were helping put you through university, and you had plenty of friends in which you could trust. People always described you as pleasant to be around; friendly enough but without overstepping your bounds. Perhaps that humble, muted quality about you was what drew people in, made them feel comfortable and safe. You were nice. People always praised you for being nice. Nice, but ordinary.

Nobody was ever fully satisfied with their appearance, but you supposed you must be pretty enough, since you'd been the object of affection of quite a few. You had a boyfriend, Luca, who was attentive and sweet with you. He was conventionally handsome, with his neat, pale blonde hair and fair skin. He had warm brown eyes and a nicely sculpted face. He was smart, too, having been admitted into the Engineering Department at the university you both attended. You'd been dating for a few months and the relationship was in a good place. Both of you were sensible, well-minded people, and you hadn't rushed into anything but rather taken the time to get to know each other. You were happy with him, you could admit to that, but you were painfully aware of how ordinary this aspect of your life was too.

Your Quirk was also nothing special. It gave you the ability to see small fragments into people's lives. If you made contact with them while using your Quirk, you saw small snippets of their past, little occurrences that were also mundane and ordinary in nature. You couldn't control what fragments you saw, and sometimes you even saw the same ones, not that they helped you in any way. There were some people who liked you using your Quirk on them to see what you might find out, and others who shrunk back in fear, worried that you'd learn something personal or private. In any case, it was nothing you could make a living off, and you weren't too keen on learning so many things about others when you had your own business to deal with. For that reason, you'd enrolled in university and were looking to get an education. So that you could find an ordinary career and lead an ordinary life.

If only you hadn't been in the wrong place at the wrong time. If only you hadn't wished to change your beautifully simple way of living.

"Get home safe, [Name]."

Luca, your boyfriend, gave you a quick peck on the cheek. You smiled at him. He'd just taken you out for dinner, as a little celebration for the both of you having done well on your exams. It wasn't anything special, but it was nice to treat yourself every now and then. You could finally afford to relax a bit.

"I will," you hummed. "Thanks again for dinner."

"Of course. I love you."

"I love you too."

You stepped off the subway and waved him off as he continued riding towards his stop. It was chilly underground, and you shivered, making your way up the long flight of stairs. It had gotten pretty late out, but it wasn't a school night, so you could sleep in tomorrow morning. Your low heels clicked against the pavement as you walked forward at a brisk pace. You lived close to the station, but you always liked to get home safe at night as quickly as possible.

The cool air whipped across your cheeks and made you heave a sigh. You felt sleepy. A full belly and a little bit of wine often had that effect on you. The more you walked, the more sluggish you began to feel. You suddenly wished you'd paid for a cab, but it felt like an awful waste considering how close your apartment was.

"... don't..."

You felt a dull pain well up from your temple, along with what could only have been described as a whisper in the wind. The street you were walking on was empty, but you could've sworn you'd heard something. You glanced back over your shoulder, reaffirmed that there was nobody around, and continued walking.

Fragmented | Shigaraki Tomura x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now