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{one month later..}


ugh. really? i got up because of my little boy kept kicking. "okay, junior lets go eat something." i get up out my bed, and walk out my room. before i make it into the kitchen, i hear a 'splash' sound and i feel my feet get wet.

my stomach starts hurting and i'm feeling instant pressure, coming down. "mariano!" i yell, and i sit down on the floor. i hear heavy footsteps comes down the stairs. "what happen- oh!" he immediately comes down, and helps me to my feet.

he rushes me inside his car, laying down in the back seat. he runs back inside the house, and get the car seat, and baby bag. he comes back to the car on the phone with someone. "yeah, she's in labor right now." he pants while back out the driveway of our house.

"i'm driving her to the mafia one, i can't be seen in a public one." he says turning down many streets. "mar..it's hurts..." i groan. "we almost there ma don't worry. just a few more minutes.." he starts driving faster. "i don't know lemme ask her." he turns around to me. "is it okay, if mike is there?" he asks.

"i don't give A FUCK HURRY UP!" i scream at him, he flinched and speeds to the hospital. we get to the mafia hospital, and they already have a stretcher waiting for me. mar carried me out the car, and i to the stretcher then several doctors take me away.

my stomach starts getting tighter, and the pain is increasing. they push me into a room, and they prepare me for my delivery. dr. johnson walks in. "hey mrs. harris it's doctor johnson from last time, i'm going to be doing your delivery today, would you like the epidural?

"yes, please" i say as the pain steady increases. they sit my up, and i feel the shot go into my back, my pain slowly started to go away, and i felt better. i calmed down, but i was still sweating. "you're  9, almost 10 centimetres dilated love, you're about to start pushing. now i may ask if you guys exit out the room, but the father of the child may stay." she tells them.

they all leave out the room, leaving no one in here. "oh, would you like someone else to accompany you?" she asked me. "yes, can i have mariano in here please.." i ask. he nods, and peaks her head out the room.

she widens the door for him to come inside. she stepped in, and mike appeared. he had on some sweatpants, and a hoodie zipped down, with no shirt on."okay laikyn, you're going to start to push. you're going to push on for 5 seconds and rest 8 okay love." she says rubbing my leg. " okay push.."

i push hard , and mike grabs my hand. i squeeze the life out his hand. " okay rest.." she says. i stop and breathe. "okay... push." she says.  i feel a large object start coming out of me, and i try to get t out. "rest..." she says. "we have shoulders, and head out.." okay laikyn, a few more pushes, and your baby boy will be out." she smiles at me.

i smile at her. "okay..push." she says i push very hardly, and i feel more come out of me. " torso is out just legs and feet next. just one more big push okay." she smiles. i nod. "okay.....push." i push the hardest i could have and i heard loud cries. my vision was blurry, and my eyes were fluttering open. i saw micheal cut the umbilical cord. they cleaned him, and put him into my arms.

i looked at him, and i saw micheal in him, with a head full of hair. i became very tired, and fell off to sleep...

- - - -

i wake up and the baby is in its crib sleeping. mike is sleeping on the couch in the room. mariano is getting bottles ready for later, and the others are waiting for the baby to wake up. a knock was placed on the door, "come in.." i said softy. 

a nurse came in with a tray of food, and a paper. okay before i give your food, here's the birth certificate to fill out, you're going to need his signature if he wants to sign it." she says. "can someone wake up him up, please?" derek goes over, and pours his water on i'm making him wake up immediately.

"get up dipshit." derek says then its back down. mike wipes the water off of his face, and sits up. "mr. chong are you wiling to sign the birth certificate?" the nurse asks. "yeah, lemme see it." he takes he paper, and sees the child's name missing.

"what's his name?" he asks me. "ill write it down after you sign your name." i snap at him. he signed the paper, then slid it over to me. " i wrote down my signature, then came close tot he nurse. i told her the name, and she smiled and wrote it down for me. " well have a nice day sweet, ill let you know when you are about to be discharged." she waves then leaves. 

i look my food, and i loos actually good. i ate the oatmeal, and the sausage they gave me and drank all of my orange juice. "so whats his name?" mike asks me. i ignore him, then he starts crying. i get up, and go over to his crib. "aww is my baby hungry?"  i say as i pick him up...

i go sit back down on the bed as i hold him. i halfway unbutton my shirt and pull out my tittie. "really?!" mar yells. "its nothing you haven't seen before.." i say back, and his head snaps towards mar's direction. mike stands up, but before he could do anything i stopped him.

"he helped me shower calm down, it was hard for me to stand up. i begged him to i needed help" i huff. i put my tittie in his mouth, and he  begins sucking. they all are looking at me in amazement. "its just breastfeeding- 

{two days later..}

today i'm being discharged from the hospital and mar is here helping me with baby. he sits him in the car seat, and buckles him up. he puts mittens and glove son him, then walks with me out. "so what's little gangster's name?" he asks chuckling at his little nickname. 

"micheal adonis chong II "


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