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Todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima became close in their last high school year. The three of them moved in together shortly after UA. Both Bakugou and Todoroki got accepted into Endeavours agency while Kirishima continued with Fatgum. As the agencies were close together they collectively decided to buy their own apartment.

It's well known that Todoroki has problems, issues, the whole crate of childhood trauma.
He still tenses when Bakugou lifts the kettle to pour his morning coffee, he still gets a headache when he sees 10 Whatsapp messages from his father. He still gets nightmares, he sleeps on the sofa sometimes – his bedroom feeling too like home.

It was a gradual thing. Bakugou bought a coffee machine because the kettle "took too damn long". There's now a fluffy All Might blanket thrown over the sofa in the living room. And after Todoroki left his phone in the kitchen one time, his settings magically changed so he didn't get notifications from his father anymore. That didn't last too long though, as his father switched to a different messaging app.


"Oi, Todoroki. Stop making that ugly face."
That was another development. Every so often Bakugou would call him by his real name, not IcyHot, ScarFace or even Half'n Half Bastard.
He's silently grateful...
"You've been zoning out a lot today Todobro, something up?" Kirishima added, putting 5 bottles of Bakugou's hot sauce in the top cupboard. They were putting groceries away together, it was weirdly domestic.

"You've been staring at the mayonnaise for 2 fucking minutes Halfy – gonna kiss it, dumbass? If you're not gonna help then fuck off." Bakugou snatched the mayonnaise, slotting it next to Kirishima's extra large jar of peanut butter.

"I've put away more things than you, Bakugou." Todoroki quipped as he searched through the plastic bags - he couldn't find the noodles.
"HAH?!" Todoroki caught the tin of baked beans that came flying at his at his head, blissfully ignorant of the blonde's increasing rage.
"Have any of you seen the noodles I can't find them." He'd checked every bag on the counter.
"Oi - Don't ignore me Half n Half!" He ducked as a couple other canned goods hurtled his way.
"Ahhh, Bakugou we only just bought those!"
Kirishima wailed, rushing to check nothing had spilled. Todoroki avoided the flailing red head to check in some of the cupboards.
"I've already put them away - idiot!" The blonde snapped, unconsciously helping Kirishima pick up the cans he'd thrown.
"Are you sure?"
Noodles are very important to Todoroki.

"I swear to fuck-" Bakugou yelled, unhelpfully dropping the cans he held to pounce at him. With improved reflexes, he shifted to the side - letting the other crash into the counter behind him.
"Guys!" Kirishima whined, trying to grab the animalistic blonde.
Fights were very common in the apartment - Kirishima usually being the unlucky one that had to establish some sort of peace.

Packages and bags slid to the floor as Todoroki was chased around the kitchen. He let out a snort of laughter at the way Kirishima had wrapped his arms around the blonde's torso, being dragged across the small space.
"Don't you dare laugh at me, IcyHot bastard!" Bakugou shouted, swiping at a bag of carrots, launching them towards him. He batted them away, cringing slightly as they fell to the floor with a painful slap.
"Stop it, Bakugou. You're making a-" As Todoroki stepped back, his heel caught on a can, throwing him off balance. But when he tried to right himself, his other foot got caught in a stray shopping bag, tripping him backwards.
"Todoroki!" Kirishima yelped, watching the situation unfold.

However, before he could tumble to the tiled floor, a hand grasped his bicep, an arm wrapping around his waist - saving him from a couple bruises.
Bakugou didn't let go, holding him in place, their abdomens were pushed together - Todoroki could feel the blonde's breath on his face. His own eyes widened as he realised how close they were.
Tension suddenly filled the small space.
Bakugou was completely silent as he tightened the grip on Todoroki's bicep, coiling his arm around the other's waist slightly more.
He tensed in the hold, uncomfortable.

"You good?" Kirishima cut in, diminishing the strange moment. The red head glanced over Bakugou's shoulder, frowning in concern. The blonde pulled him up to standing, shifting back to make some space, weirdly quiet.
"Yeah." He lied. What was that? It felt unfamiliar to be held by Bakugou - they'd never really touched so intimately before. It made him feel a weird emotion he couldn't quite place.

The three of them looked around at the chaos that was their kitchen.
"Not cleaning!"
"Not cleaning."
"Hah?! You two shits- that doesn't count!"

The weird tension got lost and muffled as the blonde loudly complained...

@ TheRockKiri posted to Twitter:

@ TheRockKiri posted to Twitter:

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