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DISCLAIMER: I just wanted to preface this and say that I do not own any part of marvel or their story line! The only character I own is Brianna Stark and her story arc. Now that I got this out of the way, sit back and enjoy the story. 


"Dad, I'm home!" Brianna Stark pushed the doors to their house with her school bag strapped around her shoulders. 

"Dad?" Brianna curiously shut the door and started walking towards the living room where her dad, Tony Stark was usually waiting for her after school. Instead she found nobody. 

"Ok, that's a bit weird." Brianna automatically started thinking of all the worst possibilities that could've happened. 

Kidnapped? Murdered?

Brianna shook her head as if in doing so, would rid her mind of all those scary thoughts. 

"It's ok, he's probably in the meeting room." The meeting room was a pretty big room upstairs that had soundproof glass walls. Brianna made her way to the second floor, but instead of just finding her dad, she was greeted with a room full of people who all stared at her when she walked towards the door. 

"umm, dad?" Brianna hesitantly opened the door, still darting her eyes around the room to comprehend what was happening. 

"Dad?? Come on Tony, you never told us you had a daughter!" A man, with light brown hair that was neatly slicked back, looked at Tony with a raised eyebrow. 

Brianna stands stock still at the front of the room feeling a little flushed by all the pairs of eyes that were directed straight at her. 

"Dad, what is this?" 

"Uhh, well that's out. Guys, this is my daughter Brianna Stark. Brianna these are the Avengers. Captain America," Tony points over at the man who had the light brown hair.

"Hey, just call me Steve." Steve stood up and walked over to Brianna and extended his hand, in which she reluctantly shook. 

"That's Peter (spider-man), Thor, Hulk, Scarlett Witch, and Happy"

They each came up and shook Brianna's hand. They all looked very shocked and confused at what they had just seen. Brianna confusedly shook all of their hands. For some reason, she couldn't help but keep her eyes on the only person that looked the same age as her. Peter Parker. His hands were very sweaty, and he kept trying to sneak looks at her. 

"Alright Bri, can you go up to your room. Oh yeah, also take Peter to the guest room, he'll be staying here for awhile." Tony motioned for Peter to follow Brianna out the room.

"B-but Mr. Stark! I can stay! I can handle this." Peter desperately tried to convince Tony to let him continue to sit in on the meeting.

"No, kid. You're done here." Tony shook his head to Peter who glumly stomped out and followed Brianna. 

"So, Tony Starks daughter." Peter looked curiously at Brianna who was about half a head shorter than him.

"Yeahhhh." Brianna awkwardly smiled as they made their way up to the 3rd floor.

"Isn't that like pretty stressful? I mean you have a global, famous, superhero of a dad?" Peter continued to pry. 

"I mean, we don't really mention it. Hell, I don't even think anybody at school knows who I am. Wait a minute, do you go to Midtown?" Brianna made the sudden connection between Peter and her.

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