||Chapter 11||

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Brianna didn't see Peter's car at the parking lot, which she felt was strange, but didn't pay attention to it. She got onto the bus and found the farthest, empty seat in the back and slid into it. She still couldn't comprehend what had happened. She simply couldn't wrap her head around it. He just kissed me. He just kissed me. Landon just kissed me. 

She felt like the world was spinning around her, and no matter what she tried, it wouldn't stop. The bus finally screeched to a stop and Brianna quickly grabbed her bag and left the bus. Peter's car was already parked in front of the garage when Brianna walked up the porch. 

That's weird. He usually waits for me everyday after school. 

Brianna shook the weird feeling she had in her off and opened the door to her house. She sprinted up to her room, as she normally did, and found Peter waiting for her in it. 

"Hey Parker? What's up?" Brianna asked him, timidly. He was wearing a grim expression and his shoulders were drooped in dejection. 

"I-just wanted to give you these." Peter, replied dully, and handed Brianna a beautiful bouquet of white roses before he walked out of the room. 

What just happened. Everyone's mad at me. Why is Peter mad at me too?  Did he- did he see me kiss-

Brianna, again, swarmed herself in her thoughts. She drowned herself in ideas of everything she could've done better. She was so immersed in her thoughts, that she didn't her dad knock or come in. 

"Hey, sweetie." Brianna's train of thought was broken off when she heard her dad sit down next to her. 

"Hi, dad." 

"What's wrong?" Tony always knew when something was wrong with Brianna. It was just a father's instincts. 

"I-I-. I messed up really bad-" Brianna felt tears already streaming down her face, "I screwed everything up with Landon. And now, I think I screwed it up with Peter too." 

Peter's POV:

How could she do this. How could she kiss him. How. Just how. 

Peter laid, dejectedly on his bed. He kept asking himself, how. How could she have done this to him. He didn't know how to think. He really loved her. Peter had been planning, for a few days not, how to confess his love to Bri. He had planned everything out, bought the flowers, and chose the perfect moment. Except, clearly it wasn't perfect. He dug his face into his hands and screamed into them. 

Does she even love me? She probably doesn't, or else she wouldn't have kissed him. Maybe she never loved me. Maybe I should let her go. 

Peter didn't know what to do. His mind was swirling. He just didn't want to let her go. Without warning, Peter felt a tear stinging down his face. 

What. I never cry, or at least haven't in a long time. 

One tear came after another and soon Peter's face was completely tear-stricken. He thought back to all the memories he and Brianna had made during their time dating. 

How could she do it. 

Brianna's POV:

Tony left her room after comforting Brianna and given her advice on what to do next. Brianna then walked over to Peter's room, to try and make up for what she had done. 


The door opened and Brianna saw herself standing in front of Peter, who's face was wet with tears. 


Peter looked down to his feet and started shuffling his fingers. He closed the door behind me and we both sat down on his bed. 

"Peter i'm so sorry. He kissed me-"

"Look, Bri. I love you. I really do. But, the way you looked at Landon. The way you kissed him-"

"I didn't kiss him! He kissed me and I pulled back." Brianna tried to save herself, but Peter's decision was already made. 

"I don't think this is going to work Bri. I'm sorry. I really want you to be happy, and I just don't think I'm the right person for that." Peter's voice shook and then broke off. It truly broke Peter to say this and to watch Brianna's face drop. 

Brianna couldn't believe what she had just heard. Peter had broken up with her. Peter had broke up with her. She didn't know what to think. She wanted to say something, to try and change Peter's decision, but instead found herself walking out of Peter's room with her face drowned in tears. 

Brianna opened the door to her room and then collapsed onto her bed. She still couldn't wrap her head around what had happened. She found herself crying more than she had ever cried before. She couldn't stop it. She felt numb with pain and regret. She felt useless. 

Why do I have to screw everything up. Why am I like this. 

Brianna couldn't rack up the appetite to eat dinner so, she just stayed in her room for the rest of day and relived her memories with Peter, which made her cry even more. She just didn't know what to do. 

*********To Be Continued*******

A/N: Guys I'm so so so so sorry for this chapter. But don't worry, I'll make it up to you sooner or later

Word Count: 907

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