||Chapter 6||

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*On a phone call with Rue*

"Please!! I need your help ASAP!" Brianna begged to Rue and tried to use a puppy voice on her. 

"Fine!!! I'll go shopping with you! Peter must be really important to you, for you to care this much." Rue said, and Brianna could just tell that she was cocking her eyebrows at her. 

"It's our first official date Rue! I gotta be a bit fancy." Brianna exclaimed out loud, emphasizing "gotta". 

"Fine. What time?"


"Bri! That's in like 2 minutes! How do you expect us to get there that fast!" Rue contemplated the situation real quick and came to a quick conclusion. "Oh God. Bri please tell me you're not already at the mall?" 

Brianna looked out of her car window at the different gaggles of people walking into Archer's Mall and turned back to her phone.

"Just get here ok?" Brianna heard Rue sigh in exasperation on the other end and hung up. 

In exactly 5 minutes, Rue pulled up in her dark blue jeep and parked right next to Brianna. 

"Oh thank god you're finally here." Brianna exclaimed as she got out of the car. 

"Brie, how long have you been sitting there." Rue asked, though not sure if she wanted to hear the answer. 

"umm, 20 minutes?" Brianna stated hesitantly and put her head down. 

"Oh my god, let's go. 

"So, like what do you want the vibe to be like at the date." Rue asked, curious at what the answer would be. 

"idkkkkkk. I think I want it to be a chill date, but like also like a fancy one. You know? Like I want it to be romantic, but also chill?" Brianna questioned herself as she continued to describe what she wanted the date to be like. She constantly flung her hands around her as if in doing so, would help her get the picture out better. 

"Yeah that makes absolutely no sense, but ok!" Rue sarcastically stated and sighed at Brianna's cluelessness. 

Rue was probably the most experienced at the romantic stuff. In her 16 years of living, she had already been a girlfriend to 3 boys, which is more than Landon and Brianna could say for themselves. They liked to call her the, Ace of Spades. 

Brianna found herself being steered by Rue into Victoria Secret. 

"Woahhhhh. Hold up, i need a dress or something not lingerie!?" Brianna immediately halted at the door when she realized what store she was going into. Victoria Secret was never her comfort zone. 

"Come onnn. We need to think big picture. If the date ends up being a little more, if you know what I mean. We need to be prepared." Rue batted her eyebrows when she mentioned what the date might turn into and Brianna rolled her eyes at the thought. 

"Well it isn't, and I really don't wan-" Brianna was cut off when a sales assistant walked up to them with a big smile. 

"Hi ladies! What can we do for you today!" 

Rue was way too quick with her response, " Um, we're trying to find her some nice lingerie."

Brianna cringed at the way Rue described it. She felt like a helpless child when she went shopping with Rue, but I guess that wasn't much of a bad thing. 


Brianna reached for her phone instinctively at the sound of it ringing. She looked down at it and saw Landon's photo icon ringing her, in which she picked up after notifying Rue and walking out the store. 

"Hey!" Landon brightly said through the phone.

"Wassup Lan!" Brianna tried to reply with the same energy that Landon had had, but failed miserably. 

"We haven't talked in a long time. Well, ever since you've started dating Parker. Umm, I just wanted to say that I've really missed you. We've been best friends since kindergarten and it just feels so weird to not talk to you in such a long time." Landon blurts out his words as if he had been planning to say it for a long time. 

"ermm. I miss you too Landon. Yeah, we haven't talked in a very long time." Brianna tried to say something else, but found herself at a loss for words. Instead, a tear drop squeezed its way past her eye lids and streaked down her face. One came after another, and soon her face was completely tear-stained. 

"Hey! Brie? Brie? Are you ok?" Landon's voice was drenched in concern as Brianna continued to try and fail to hold back her tears. 

"Yeah, I'm ok. I just realized how much I missed you." Brianna managed to think of something to say to Landon. 

"Maybe-maybe we could hangout tonight? Like at 6:00?" Landon brought up the suggestion with hopefulness in his voice. 

Brianna looked over at Rue, who was darting around the shop, looking for something for her to wear on her date with Peter. Brianna then looked down, full of guilt as more tears continued to stream down her face.

"Lando-" Brianna's voice broke and she forced herself to look upwards, to try and prevent the tears from running down. She heard Landon sigh on the other side of line and her tears ran down even harder, no matter how hard she tried to stop them. 

"Yeah. It's ok. We can try another time." Landon hung up on her before she can utter a confirmation. Brianna, who was at the verge of a breakdown, found the nearest couch and collapsed onto it. She felt herself shake as she curled herself up in a ball. I'm so selfish. I'm such a bad friend. I'm just a terrible person. Why am I even here. I was so focused on myself, that I didn't even contemplate the feelings of my best friend of 10 years. Brianna swarmed herself in those thoughts and didn't notice that Rue had finished shopping and was trying to get her attention. 

"Hey! Brie! What happened? Are you ok?" Rue worriedly rushed over and set the large set of bags down. 

I uncurled myself and looked up to see Rue looking down on me, worried. 

"Yea-yeah. Just tired." Brianna quickly save herself before it would become a big deal. She didn't want to stress out her friend as much as she already did. 

Rue had picked out a few sets of lingerie and was dead set on finding a dress that would be chill but also fancy. After a few hours of shopping that consisted of Rue dragging Brianna into different shops and Brianna complaining every few seconds. 

Rue had finally picked out something for Brianna that she was satisfied of. At this point, Brianna had no say in it and frankly didn't want one. The only goal she had in her mind was to hurry and find a dress and then get the hell out of the mall. 

Brianna's dress: 

***********To Be Continued**********

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***********To Be Continued**********

Author's Note: Guyssss it's getting spicyyy. Please don't give up on me here, I'm really tryingggggggg

Word Count: 1187

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