||Chapter 9||

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Mondays. The day that no matter who you were, hated. The first day back to school after having a blast during the weekend. It was the day everyone dreaded with a passion and Brianna Stark wasn't an exception. She had gone to sleep at 3:00 AM, restlessly turning in her bed, not being able to fall asleep no matter how hard she tried.

Her alarm clock had interrupted her short sleep with the most annoying, irritating loud beeping noise that pierced through Brianna's head. 

"Eughhhhh." Brianna groaned into her pillow and slapped her alarm to put it back on snooze. She rolled herself back into her covers and closed her eyes again only to be woken up her second alarm. At the sound of the second alarm, Brianna was forced to climb out of bed and get ready for school. 

When she finally finished her morning routine, she opened the door to find her standing in from of Peter, who was completely ready to go with his backpack slung over his shoulder. 

"W-what is this." Brianna, who was still half asleep groggily said. 

"We have to go now! We're already late!" Peter dragged Brianna, hastily out of her room. 

"What the heck is going on Parker! It's only 7:00!" Brianna screeched as she was still being dragged by Peter.

"Are you crazy! It's 8:30! I've been knocking on your door for 30 minutes!" 

"Wait what? You were. welp." Brianna allowed Peter to drag her downstairs, hand her a piece of toast, and take her to the car. 

Brianna still wasn't used to the sunlight so, when she stepped out of the car and onto school property, her eyes immediately rejected the blinding light from the sun that seemed to only be shining at her. 

"You look awful!" Rue looked at her sympathetically as Brianna managed to find her seat and sit in it. 

"Thanks Rue. That means a lot." Brianna sarcastically said to her best friend before laying her head down to rest. 

She drowned out her math teacher's voice that droned on and on about different formulas and solutions by laying her ear on her desk,  and listening to the vibrated sounds of her breathing. 

After what felt like hours on end, the bell finally made that familiar beeping sound and the class got up to leave the room. 

"Are you like ok?" Rue asked Brianna in the hallway, worried. 

"Yeah, just couldn't sleep." Brianna replied dully, still feeling as though she was still sleeping. 

"Oh," Rue sympathetically looked at Brianna, but then quickly changed the subject, "sooo, how was the dateeee" 

"It was pretty amazing." Brianna said, without realizing that she was smiling like a goof. 

"I also needed to tell you something..." Rue looked down, as she changed the subject again. She started shuffling around her feet and playing with her thumbs, which signaled to Brianna that the news wasn't going to be good. 

"Rue, what happened." Brianna asked, worried about what the answer could be. 

"Um, it's Landon," Brianna's heart sunk deep into her chest at the mention of Landon, "he was pretty sad about your conversation last night. He called me at 1 AM last night and it got... very intense."

Brianna looked down at the ground, "Is he coming to school today?" She didnt know what answer she wanted to hear. Do I want to talk to Landon right now? 

"I think so, but I don't know for sure." Rue looked extremely uncomfortable. She hated seeing her friends fight and that she was the one stuck in between. 

"But, you should no, last night on our call, he confessed a lot. And um, he said that he's had a crush on you since 3rd grade." Rue continued to fidget with her hands as Brianna stood there, stock still,  shocked at what she had just heard. 

The bell rang and ripped her attention away from her thoughts. The 2 walked into the classroom and didn't speak until the bell rang again, signaling the end of class. In the middle of class, Brianna's attention was pulled away from the assignment when a tall teenage boy walked into the classroom with his hood on. Landon. He didn't look at her or acknowledge her existence. Instead, he walked past his normal seat behind Brianna, and walked to the empty seat at the back of the classroom. Brianna and Rue exchanged solemn and grimaces. 

For the first time in her life, Brianna was dreading lunch. She didn't know how she was going to confront Landon or even talk to him at all. Rue and Brianna grabbed their lunches and sat at the table they normally sat in. They watched as Landon grabbed his lunchbox and walked past their table, and joined the football players. 

"Landon!" Brianna screamed out helplessly in hopes that Landon would listen to her, but was met with a cold glare. Rue hadn't said anything and just watched solemnly at Landon and then at Brianna. 

"I'm not hungry anymore." Brianna said to Rue as she swiftly closed her lunchbox and zipped it shut. She then said bye to Rue and ran off to the library. 

********To Be Continued*******

A/N: This chapter was pretty short, but I feel like it was more of a filler chapter. 

Word Count: 880

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