||Chapter 4||

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"go go go!" Brianna pushed Peter out the door before Tony could notice anything. Brianna flopped on her bed, back first, with a bright smile on her face. 

What did this mean? Are we like a thing now? What did I just do? Oh God, my dad cannot not know about this.  Brianna's head was spinning at what had just happened. Don't get her wrong, she loved it, but it just made everything so much more complicated. It was currently 2 AM. It was Saturday, which meant that Brianna could stay up as late as she wanted. She laid her head back and let a long, deep sigh. She kept replaying what had happened in her head, which made her smile even harder. After hours of rolling around on her bed, Brianna's eyes suddenly fluttered shut and stayed that way until the morning. 

"Rise and shine sweetheart!" Brianna's eyes were forced open when Tony widened the blinds. 

"Dad!" Brianna reluctantly sat up. Here eyes were barely open, as they were still trying to get used to the sudden bright light.

"Come on! It's already 11:00!" Tony swung his hands to motion for Brianna to hurry and get up out of bed.

"eughhhhhh. I can't have one day where I can sleep in can I." Brianna rubbed her eyes and flopped back in bed. 

"You've already slept in! Hurry up. Jesus, I have to now go wake up Parker. Ya'll teenagers need to sleep earlier." Tony rushed out of the room to Peter's room, leaving Brianna, who was suddenly wide awake. 

Oh God. He's gonna suspect something now. Damn it. 

After getting ready, Brianna ran downstairs to get breakfast and was greeted with Peter and Tony. 

"Hey, kid. Pancakes on the stove." 

"Thanks dad." Brianna sheepishly smiled at her dad, while keeping her eyes on Peter, who was smiling way too brightly. 

"What are you smiling at?" Tony suspiciously looked over at Peter, and then too Brianna who also started smiling, though she was trying to hide it.

"Oh nothing sir! I-I just got a... 100 on my math test!" Peter quickly saved himself, but his beet red face had already given away the blatant lie. 

Tony looked over at Brianna who was at the brink of bursting out with laughter. After 3 minutes of darting his eyes and Peter and then at Brianna, he finally put 2 and 2 together. 

"Oh my Jesus lord you two. Does my word mean nothing to you? We just had a discussion about this and then you decide to go behind my back and- unbelievable. Brianna, I need to talk to you. And don't think you're off the hook, Parker. I want you in my office when I'm done talking to Bri."

Brianna followed Tony into his office. 

"So, you gonna explain this to me?" 

"No. There's nothing to explain." Brianna sassed back. 

"Don't give me that attitude. You do remember that I was once your age right?"

"mhm..." Brianna shuffled around her feet and played with her fingers. 

"Look, I don't care who you talk to. But please not Parker."

"But why?" Brianna threw her hands up in exasperation and anger. 

"It's too dangerous! He's a public avenger now, he'll be needed in missions and I just don't want to see you get hurt!" 

"Dad, I'll be fine! I can take care of myself. And I think I really like Peter. Taking him away now, would just make me hurt more."

Tony  coursed his hands through his hair in frustration. 

"Please dad! How would you feel if you really loved someone and your parents told you-" Brianna attempted to guilt trip her dad, which always worked the way she wanted it to work. 

"Ok fine, this isn't a yes. It's a maybe."

"Ok, thanks dad." Brianna sighed in disappointment and walked out the office. As Brianna walked back to eat breakfast, she past Peter walk to the office and grimaced at him. 

Before Tony could say a word, Peter beat him to it. 

"Mr Stark, I know what you're going to say. I'm really sorry for talking to your daughter without telling you. You have no idea how sorry I am. But you have to realize that I really do like her. Maybe even love I'm not sure. I've never met anybody like your daughter and I want you to know that I would never hurt her and I would do anything for her to live another day. And I-"

"Jesus kid, do you ever stop talking!" Tony stopped Peter from continuing to ramble and rubbed his head with his fingers. 

"I'm sorry, Mrs Stark. I just wanted you to know that I really really really like your daughter."

Tony sighed in distress. He thought about what Brianna had said to him and how Peter said almost the exact same thing. It hurt his heart to think that he was the person standing between them. He then thought back to his own high school years and how he had felt love so keenly as a teenager.

"Ok, fine. But if you hurt her, you don't wanna know what I would do."

"Thank you so much sir! I promise I will never hurt her!" 

"Also, don't tell anybody about this. She can get hurt if the information spreads to the wrong people."

"Yes sir!" Peter let out a deep sigh of relief and ran out of the office to tell Brianna what had just happened. Peter sprinted up the flights of stairs and found Brianna laying on her bed watching her phone. 

"Hey?" Brianna sat up at the sight of Peter panting at her door. 

"H-h-hey." Peter barely managed to catch his breath to reply.

"What's up, Parker?" 

Peter held up his pointer finger as he struggled to catch his breath. This made Brianna burst out laughing. 

"You're dad said yes!" Peter finally managed to say what he had been dying to say after catching his breath.

"What!?" Brianna immediately stood up, utterly shocked at the news. 

"He sad we can be together!"

"Really!?? OH MY GOD!!! YESS" Brianna ran up to Peter and embraced him in the biggest hug she could muster. The hug felt so warm and, it just felt right. The both pulled out of the hug and went in for a kiss. Their lips intertwined and they both pulled each other closer. Brianna was the first to pull out of the kiss with a big smile on her face. 

"So, do you Brianna Stark, want to be my girlfriend." Peter pretended to get down on his knees with a very cheesy smile. 

Brianna burst out laughing and nodded her head yes to the "proposal."

"Oh yeah, also, your dad doesn't want us to tell anybody because he said it could be dangerous."

Brianna nodded, still overwhelmed at what had happened. 

**********To Be Continued********

Authors Note:  EEEKKKK I'm so excited. Don't worry guys, there's gonna be drama in the next few chapters. oryuys4un. Also, sorry if there's a ton of grammar errors. I tend to suck at it :)

Word Count: 1143

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