||Chapter 13||

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Brianna found herself standing directly in front of Peter, both unsure of what to do next or say. 

"um-mum i-" Brianna stammered out as she and Peter both moved the same direction to try and get past each other. They both moved to the other side, but yet again they blocked each other. 

Peter was carrying to, heavy looking, bags in his hands. 

"Are you going somewhere?" Brianna asked suspiciously and eyed the bags. 

"um-i-um-" Now it was Peter's turn to stammer at Brianna as he tried to figure out what he could say, "technically yes, but I don't think I can tell you." This made Brianna cock her head in curiosity, forgetting the tension between them.

"What do you mean you can't tell me?" Brianna blocked Peter again as he tried to make his way past her. 

"Ummm-nevermind." Peter swiftly sidestepped Brianna and ran into a car waiting outside, with some people in it, before Brianna could stop him. 

Brianna crossed her eyebrows and, still shocked at what had happened, opened the door to come face to face with Tony. 

"Dad what is going on!" Brianna flailed her arms in the air, desperate to get any clue on why they were all leaving. 

"Umm, we have to go." Tony hastily said and Brianna blocked him. 

"We?" She interrogated. 

"The Avengers." Tony dashed away from her and only turned his head to call back, "Oh and a babysitter named Lauren should be coming anytime soon to look after you."

Brianna scrunched her nose at the thought of a babysitter and called back out to her dad, "Babysitter!??? Dad am 5 to you! I can take care of myself!" Tony waved his hands back as a reply and got into the car. Brianna squinted into the car of people and recognized a few people. It was the slick hair guy, Steve. Thor was also there. A few other people and a guy in a pirate eye cover thing. 

The car drove off before Brianna could recognize anybody else. She sighed as she went to close the door. Seconds afterwards, however, the door bell rang and it opened to an asian girl with olive skin. She looked to be about in her early 20's.

"Hi! Are you Brianna?" Lauren asked, a little too eager at the fact she was about to babysit a baby girl. 

Brianna huffed as a reply and beckoned her to come in. Brianna shut the door behind Lauren and ran to the kitchen where grabbed an oreo and stuffed it in her mouth. 

Lauren just watched her in surprise and then forced a weak smile, that Brianna did not return. 

"Welcome to the Stark family, where me, Brianna, is left by her dad and ex to a mysterious mission." Brianna sarcastically said to the babysitter, who looked surprised to say the least.

"I'll be in my room if you need anything. You're main job is to make sure I don't mess shit up because that's what I tend to do. I can make my own dinner and surprise surprise, I even know how to feed myself." Brianna sarcastically stated, not knowing where she got her sudden anger and boldness, as she stomped up to her room, leaving Lauren in standing in the kitchen in dismay. Brianna slammed the door to her room behind her as she face planted on her bed and screamed into it. 

How could he get me a babysitter!? Am i like a toddler to him. Like, I can take care of myself thank you very much. Ughh, I hate my dad so much. And what was this secret mission anyways? 

Brianna pulled out her phone, mid-thought, and instinctively clicked on the group chat with Landon and Rue. The last messages sent was from 3 weeks ago. A pain gripped onto Brianna's heart as she clicked out of the group chat and into her private messages with Rue. 

To Rue:

You will not believe what my dad just did. 

                                                                                          From Rue:

                                                                                                               What what what

To Rue:

He and Peter basically stormed off on some secret mission and he had the nerve to leave me with a BABYSITTER!  

                                                                                          From Rue: 

                                                                                                               BAHAHHAHHAHA Is she nice at least?

To Rue:

I honestly don't know or care. I sort of yelled at her though, so she probs hates me 

                                                                                            From Rue: 

                                                                                                               Oooofff that's rufff

To Rue:

I seriously might fucking burstttt

There was a knock on the door and Brianna put her phone down before checking Rue's response. She grumbled as she went to open the door, knowing already who it was. 

"What do you want?" She was greeted with Lauren smiling at her with a plate of peeled and sliced apples. 

"I though you might be hungry, so I brought you a healthy snack!" She handed the plate of apples to Brianna, in which she reluctantly took with a grimace. 

"Thanks, but I can do this myself. I also happen to like the apple peel." Brianna shut the door on Lauren before she could reply. 

I don't even know why I'm being so mean. She isn't even that bad, but it is sort of fun to be mean. 

Brianna smirked as she set the apples on her desk. She then munched on an apple slice, happy that the peels were cut off. 

*********To Be Continued*********

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A/N: Yeppppppppp we love feisty Stark. She's sort of a badass to the babysitter. I kinda feel bad for herrr but yeahhhhhh I can't wait for you guys to see the next chapter

Word Count: 917

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