||Chapter 10||

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Brianna slammed her lunchbox on a random desk and covered her head in her face. She didn't know what to do. Landon hates me. Rue definitely blames me. And Peter-Peter. 

Brianna quickly cut her thoughts off. She laid her head on her desk and positioned her head in a way that was comfortable to her. Slowly, she felt her eyes flutter shut and her mind drift off to some place in her head. 


Brianna and Landon are in kindergarten together. It's the first day of school and Brianna and Landon find themselves in the same class with Mrs. Carry. 

"Hi! Can I sit here?" Brianna looked up and saw a boy standing in from of her with his lunchbox. 

"Yeah, of course!." Brianna shyly motioned for the boy to sit at the empty seat next to her. 

"Thanks!" The boy happily sat down and plopped his lunchbox on the table. 

"I'm Landon by the way! Landon Burky!" The boy, Landon, extended his hand out for Brianna to shake, in which Brianna timidly shook. 

"What's your name?" Landon asked curiously. 

"I'm Brianna Stark. But....you can call me Bri." Brianna hesitated, but eventually gave Landon the permission to call her-her secret nickname. 

The two 5 year olds smiled at each other warmly. From then on, the two were inseparable. They would sit next to each other everyday and talk to each other so often, the teachers often had to separate them and move them to opposite sides of the room. But, this didn't stop the two best friends. As they got older, they got even sneakier. They learned morse code, and even tried creating their own language, which didn't work. They were known as the Siamese Twins since, they were always seen together and never left each other's sides. Along the way, they met a young girl named Rue. Now, they were "The Trio." 

Present Day:

"Bri! Bri wake up! Wake up, we have science! Bri!" Brianna was shaken awake and found Rue, standing over her, looking very concerned. 

"Oh yeah sorry." Brianna looked up and felt a single tear stream down her face.

"Hey!! Hey hey. What happened!" Rue quickly dropped all her stuff and embraced Brianna in a warm and tight hug, which made Brianna's tears stream down even faster. 

Rue pulled out of the hug and started affectionately wiping her tears off. 

"aww, poor baby." Rue sympathetically wrapped Brianna into another hug and started rocking her, as if she was a baby. 

                                                                                     After School

 Brianna was determined to talk to Landon. She couldn't give up on him now or have him give up on her. The last  bell rang and Brianna sprinted out of the classroom and went to block Landon. 

"Landon! Landon!" Landon tried to ignore Brianna and walk the other direction, but Brianna was faster. She swiftly moved in front of him, forcing the 2 to confront each other. 

"What do you want?" Landon angrily hissed at Brianna, which caused her to step back. 

"Look, I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say. Please. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I didn't notice anything. I i'm sorry i'm the reason we aren't friends anymore. I'm just sorry for everything Landon, and I really really miss-" Brianna's voice cut out and she could feel her tears stinging and threaten to drop. 

"Brianna, I can't. I have given you everything! I was there when you needed someone to lean on! I was the shoulder you could lean on when you needed one. I just don't understand why you would choose the man you just met over me. I just-" Landon cut himself off by forcing his lips onto Brianna's.

Brianna's eyes widened in shock and confusion. She immediately pulled out, appalled at what Landon had just done. 

"Landon I-" Brianna, still wide-eyed, backed away and looked at her best friends eyes with regret. 

"Yeah. I know." Landon, dejectedly looked to the ground and then turned around and walked away, leaving Brianna confused and horrified. She stood there for a few seconds and then sprinted away, with tears streaming down her face. She was in such dismay, that she didn't see Peter standing at the corner of hallway, with a bouquet of white roses in his hand, crestfallen. 

*********To Be Continued********

A/N: Guyysss. This chapter was just something that needed to happen to keep the plot going, which is why it's so short. Tell me in the comments what you think so farrrrr

Word Count: 740

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