||Chapter 12||

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Brianna numbly laid on her bed. Her eyes could not possibly produce anymore tears. She had gotten to the point where she had cried so much, her water system was almost completely drained out. She didn't know what to do. Peter was her first, and felt like her last boyfriend. In hopes of cheering herself up, she decided to call Rue and hangout. 

"Hey." Brianna still hadn't told Rue about the whole situation with Peter and felt that it should stay that way until they met up in person. 

"Do you wanna go to the park for a walk or something. I really need some fresh air." Brianna's voice was dull and still a little shaky. 

"Yeah, sure. How about in 10?" 

"Yeah that works fine. See ya."

"see ya."

Brianna trudged into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were red and puffy from the excessive amount of tears she had produced and her face was bright red. 

                                          shit. This is gonna take more than 10 minutes to cover up

Brianna quickly texted Rue to change the time. 

To Rue: 

Hey, sorry Imma have to be there in 20, is that ok?

                                                                                                 From Rue: 

                                                                                                                            Yeah sure, that's fine 

To Rue: 

Great thx, see ya. 

                                                                                                    From Rue: 

                                                                                                                              See ya, hun

Brianna smiled at her phone and put it down. She looked back up at the mirror and winced at her swollen face. In hopes of bringing down the swelling, she switched the sink opened and splashed herself with cold water, which sent shivers down her spine. She looked back up at the mirror. 

                                                                   Yeah, that didn't help

She hopelessly dabbed on some foundation, mascara, blush, and concealer to try and make herself a little more presentable. Brianna then went over to her closet, picked up the nearest pair of sweatpants she could find and slipped it on. She also grabbed her school hoodie and hastily shoved it on, causing her already messy hair, to get even messier. She ran down the stairs, trying to avoid Peter at all costs, ran to grab her bike, and then took off to the park. 

Rue was already there, waiting for her when she parked her bike in the bike rack. 

"Hey!" Rue ran up to Brianna and embraced her in a familiar warm hug. Rue pulled back out of the hug and studied Brianna's face, noticing all the red splotches. 

"Are you ok?" Rue asked, clearly pointing out Brianna's puffy face. 

"Great, is it that noticeable?'

"Yeah..." Rue winced a little to show her sympathy.

"What happened?" Rue took my hand and we walked around the park, as I explained to her everything. 

"He dumped you! Even though he clearly saw you pull away! Jeez louis man." Rue, wide-eyed, stared at Brianna as they kept walking, "I actually liked Peter, welp now I know he's a royal jerk head. 

Brianna turned to look at Rue and Rue gave her an apologetic face. 

"Sorry, Bri. I didn't mean to hurt yo-" Rue was cut off by Brianna's shrieks of random laughter. 

"What the- Bri? Are you ok?" Rue had to physically keep Brianna from keeling on the ground with laughter. 

"ahahahaha A royal jerk head!" Brianna managed to get out in between her laughing fits. The people walking pass them gave them weird looks as Rue awkwardly smiled at them. 

"Are you drunk?" Rue asked, which made Brianna laugh even harder than she already was. They finally managed to get back to their bikes, with Rue practically dragging Brianna, who had been laughing the rest of the way. 

"Can I trust you not to crash your bike?" Rue asked Brianna, though already knew the answer to that. 

"Yeah ok." Rue answered for herself and then carried Brianna and her bike over to her car. 

Rue got her permit pretty early. She had been practicing the second she turned 15 and got her permit 2 weeks after her 16th birthday, which was in September. After you get your permit, you're basically on a 6 month probation, where you can only drive your family members around and are watched. After the 6 months, you can basically drive anybody you want to. 

Rue opened the trunk to her jeep and stuffed the bike in. Brianna had finally stopped laughing. 

She didn't even know why she had been laughing so hard for so long. As she got in the car, she figured it was because her body needed something to be happy and laugh about. 

"Byeeee!" Brianna called out to Rue at her porched as she watched Rue wave back with one hand and drive off. 

Brianna unlocked the door, opened it, and to her luck, found her self standing directly in front of Peter, who was also wide-eyed. 

                                                                              Oh shit. 

*******To Be Continued********

A/N: Yepp. I think imma write my chapters with around 800-1000 words now. It's just easier to get them out faster like that 

Word Count: 823

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