||Chapter 14||

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Brianna had been swiping through her phone for hours now, trying to find something to distract her from her only though. Peter. No matter how hard she tried, every post she saw got her thinking back to Peter and worrying about him. I guess she didn't know how much she missed him and worried for him, until he was gone. 

After hours of failing to do what she wanted to, Brianna frustratedly threw her phone across the room, in which she immediately regretted after hearing the loud thud it made against her wall. She grumbled as she got up to go check on her phone. 

Please don't be broken. Please don't be broken.

Brianna flipped the phone over and sighed. The screen now had 2 fresh new cuts that formed an X on her scream. 

                                                                         Damn it. 

Brianna scowled to herself as she threw her phone on her bed, which she knew wouldn't do any damage. Brianna looked down at her outfit which consisted of dirty grey sweatpants and a random stained sweatshirt, which was originally white that she had worn for a week now. Brianna sighed, disappointed at her outfit and rummaged through her closet to try and find something remotely fashionable, but came up empty handed. In frustration, Brianna grabbed the nearest pillow and her bed and let out the loudest scream she could muster which, unfortunately, was heard by Lauren who immediately ran upstairs. 

*knock knock*

Lauren lightly knocked on Brianna's door, which interrupted Brianna mid-scream. 

In a huff, Brianna swung the door open. 

"Yes?" Brianna prompted. 

"Um, I heard you scream from downstairs and was wondering if you needed any help?" Lauren innocently asked Brianna, which made her laugh. 

"New clothes is what I need." Brianna said sarcastically and Lauren raised her eyebrows cockily at the statement. 

"Let's go then!" Now it was Brianna's turn to cock her eyebrows at Lauren. 

"You're serious?" 

"Yeeaah, I have keys, I can drive, and I have a pretty good fashion statement if I do say so myself."  Brianna shrugged at the fashion statement part to annoy Lauren, but they both ended up laughing and running out to the car together. 

Lauren swerved into the Archer's Mall parking lot sharply, which made Brianna grip the handle even tighter and make a silent prayer to Jesus. 

"We're Here!" Lauren shouted brightly and Brianna grimaced. 

"Jeez Lauren. I was hesitant when you said you could drive, but I didn't think you could be this bad." Brianna emphasized 'this' which made Lauren laugh. 

They entered the mall and stood at the entrance, both waiting for the other to choose the first shop. 

"Sooo, where do you wanna go first." Victoria asked Brianna who had no clue where she actually wanted to go. 

"I don't know, i thought you were the one with the amazing fashion statements." Brianna hissed back, which made Lauren roll her eyes in disbelief. You know, she really was a lot like Tony. 

"Come on, Brianna. If I didn't say I had a good fashion sense, would you have gone out with me?" 

"umm, yes?" Brianna replied questionably with a cocked eyebrow and a smirk. 

"Ok fine. Let's go to Urban Outfitters?" Lauren finally made the executive decision and they both steered each other to the store. 

"oooh, this is kind of cute isn't it?" Brianna held up, yet another oversized hoodie as Lauren shook her head to it. 

"Girlll we gotta find something outside of your comfort zone."

"So, that means no hoodies or sweatpants." Lauren said sternly as Brianna held up, another hoodie, and then dejectedly put it down. 

"How about thisss?" Lauren held up a cropped tank top, that was tighter than anything Brianna had in her closet. 

"No. Hell to the no." Brianna said firmly as Lauren held the shirt up against her body. 

"Yesss! I think it's perfect! And we an style it with these baggy mom jeans!" Lauren held up a pair of mom jeans and jumped up in excitement, which made Brianna laugh.

"Okkkkkkkk ok ok, fine. I'll try it." Brianna reluctantly grabbed the outfit from Lauren and walked into the nearest fitting room, which made Lauren squeal in excitement. 

"Jesus! Am i supposed to be babysitting you or you supposed to be babysitting me." Brianna called out to Lauren, which made her cheeks flush. 

"Shut up and get changed!" Lauren shouted back. 

Brianna quickly got changed and checked herself out in the mirror before leaving the changing room.

Wait, I actually like this. I actually look good. Oooh

Brianna hadn't felt this confident and in love with her outfit in a long time. She walked out of the changing room, personally feeling like a runway model. 

"OOOOOHH! Yesss , queen!!!! I absolutely loveee it. We're totally getting this." 

Brianna laughed as he went back into the changing room to change back into her normal, shabby outfit. 

Brianna payed for the outfit and the 2 walked out the shop with the hollister bag. 

They both continued to walk aimlessly around the giant mall, clueless on where to go next. 

"Ok, we gotta stop walking circles. Where should we go?" Brianna looked at Lauren and motioned in a way that meant 'hurry the fuck up'. 

"ok ok, l don't know, let's just go to pacsun." Lauren pointed to the nearest shop to them, not knowing what the store was even about. 

Brianna rolled her eyes and they walked into the store. In Pacsun, Brianna had found a nice t-shirt and some cute accessories, but that was about it. 

For the rest of the evening, Brianna and Lauren decided it would be fun to randomly walk into any store and then buy things from there. The plan surprisingly worked very well, and Brianna ended up going back to to her room with a bunch of new, amazing outfits to wear. 

******To Be Continued******

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A/N: Hey guys, so i'm currently mad at someone right now, so if I have a boatload of grammar issues in here, I apologize deeply. 

Word Count: 1014

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