||Chapter 3||

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WARNING: There is a very explicit scene in this chapter. Viewer discretion is advised. 


Brianna frantically rummaged around closet, trying to find something decent to wear. Her whole closet consisted of mostly random t-shirts, sweatpants, and a few jeans. Brianna coursed her hands through her hair roughly. 

"euhghhhhhhhhhhh" She aggressively screamed into her pillow. There was literally nothing for her to wear. She dug though the heaps of clothes on the ground and the few still left hanging, but nothing satisfied her. She suddenly heard a knock on the door, which caught her off guard. 

"Dad! I swear to god, away!" Brianna angrily pulled the door open, expecting to start yelling at her dad, but instead finds herself yelling at Peter.

"um, I'm sorry?" Peter looked quite terrified, "I don't think i'm your dad."

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. What do you want?" Brianna motioned for Peter to come into her room, which was pretty much a pigs den.

"Wow. And to think that just this morning you were yelling at me for trashing my room." Peter looked at her with a raised eyebrow and a one-sided smile. 

"Shut up. What do you want?" Brianna managed to quickly divert the topic to something else. 

"Your dad told me to tell you that we're leaving in 10 minutes." 

"Ughhhhh damn it!" Brianna ruffed her hair in frustration.

"Are you like ok?" Brianna looked up at Peter who was very concerned at her aggressive manner. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't have anything good to wear." 

"Oh, I think you look just fine right now! I mean not fine, great. Yeah-you look amazing." Peter stuttered nervously, while fidgeting with his thumbs. 

"Uh, thanks Peter." Brianna smiled warmly at Peter, grateful for the compliment. 

"Do you wanna go now? You're dad's waiting." Peter awkwardly smiled back and motion for them to leave the room.

"Yeah, let's go." 

The car ride was a silent, awkward ride that was made up of Tony's occasional conversation starters that ended in more weird tension. Brianna awkwardly shifted around in her seat, desperate to get out of the car and the awkwardness. Thankfully, when tension was way too unbearable, Tony pulled the car over in front of Margo's Pizza and Pasta.

"Alright kids, get out."

Brianna quickly unlocked the door and jumped out of the car. That ride was painful. They were sat at a booth and had already ordered their food. 

"I need to discuss something with you two." Tony looks stern and very serious, "I know you two are both hormonal teenagers who live on the same floor."

Peter and Brianna both looked at each other. Brianna was embarrassed at her dad for bringing this up in front of Peter. Peter had a flustered bright red face. 

"Now, I don't want anything hanky panky going on between you two. None of that. Do you understand me?" Tony raised his eyebrows at the two teenagers questionably. 

"Yes sir." 

"Yes dad." 

"great. Dad really just had to bring romance into this and make everything awkward didn't he." Brianna thought to herself, while violently sticking her fork in her pasta. 

The dinner was as uncomfortable if not more than the car ride. The three just slurped their pasta in utter silence. No one knew what to say after Tony had brought up the romance and lovey dove stuff. The car ride back home was also silent. Brianna looked through the window, trying to pretend that she was doing something. Peter was playing thumb wars with his thumbs to try and pass the time. Finally, after what felt like hours of awkward silence, they had gotten back home. Brianna practically sprinted up to her room, trying to avoid any contact with Peter. She still didn't know what she felt about Peter. She didn't know if she had a crush on him or if she was in love with him. To be fair, Brianna wouldn't know if she was in love or not, as she had never experienced it before. But, it felt pretty damn close to it. Brianna slumped on her bed and took out her phone. She didn't know what to do so, out of habit, Brianna whipped out her phone and went straight to her group chat with Rue and Landon. 

Brianna: Guys, the most embarrassing and awkward thing happened at dinner today  7:21

Landon: Whatt? 7:24

Brianna: Ughh it was terrible. We went to get pasta at Margo's. The car ride was already awkward, but then my dad decided to make the actual dinner even worse. He basically lectured us about not doing anything hanky panky and not be hormonal teenagers. Then we just ate in absolute silenceeeeee yf3ufy34ufyb43    7:26

Rue: ooffff that sounds bad   7:27

Landon: I mean, your dad does have a point. I think you was just trying to protect you 7:28

Brianna: I guess, but like Peter's harmless. And he didnt have to ruin dinner to say it? 7:29

Landon: Yeah true. Do you like Peter though?  7:30

Rue: Yeahhhh Brii do you like him?  7:30

Brianna: I honestly don't know  7:31

Brianna: I gtg    7:31

Brianna shut her phone and dug her face in her pillow. She heard a knock on the door and went to go answer the door. Peter stood awkwardly behind the door. 

"uh hi. Do you wanna talk?" Peter made grimacing faces which signaled to Brianna that this was about their very pleasant conversation at dinner.

"Yeah." Brianna motioned for Peter to come in, and he sat on the bed. 

"Look, I'm sorry, I don't know if we should be talking because I don't want your dad knowing-"

Brianna's lip crashed into Peter's without thought, which sent electricity through her whole body. Peter's eyes widened in surprise, but continued the action. Their mouths kissed passionately as Brianna's tongue danced inside his mouth. Peter's hands reached under Brianna's shirt and started unclipping her bra as Brianna took off Peter's shirt. They crashed onto the bed. Peter began giving Brianna small kisses on her neck and all the way down her chest, which made her swarm in butterflies. He reached down to her underwear and then looked up, hesitantly. 

"Are you ok with this?" Peter asked Brianna, who arched her back in pleasure. 


***********To Be Continued**********

Authors: Guys, I am so so so so so sorry for this. If you know me, I am even more sorry, but like..... Yeah, I don't know what I think about what I just wrote. AGAIN I AM SO SORRY! 

Word Count: 1128

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