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Some villain talking to Ritchie through a lacrima: We have your boyfriend

Ritchie: I don't have a boyfriend

Some villain #2: He made us reevaluate out life choices and now we feel really bad so can you come pick him up?

Ritchie: Oh my god you have Devin-

Some villain: I'm gonna become a painter


[In Salode,Devin and Ritchie were driving a cart and crashed it,making a scene]

David: Wanna tell us how you crashed the cart thing?

Devin: Well we were driving right,and there was this deer in the middle of the path that I didn't think Ritchie saw,so I said "Ritchie,deer!"


Devin: Want to tell them how you responded?


Ritchie: "Yes,cutie?"


Some villain: I'M GONNA KILL YOU

Ritchie/Micheal/Brandon,all tired of this shit: Oh okay that's fine

Some villain: I'M SERIOUS

Ritchie/Micheal/Brandon: At this point I wanna die

Some villain:

Ritchie/Micheal/Brandon: I insist


Pat O'Conner: I made tea.

Allumos: I don't want your disgusting tea.

Pat O'Conner: I didn't make you tea.This is my tea.

Allumos: Then why'd you tell me?

Pat O'Conner: It's a conversation starter.

Allumos: It's a horrible conversation starter.

Pat O'Conner: Oh,is it? We're conversing.Checkmate.


[When Ritchie loses his son in Atlantide the first time he gets to watch him]

Ritchie to literally anyone: Have you seen my son?!

Ritchie holding up a hand: About this tall,clearly gay but we haven't had the talk


Bryan: I'm gay

Mario: Water's wet.Jakey has a stutter.Mania is hot.

Bryan: W h a t

Mario: I thought we were listing obvious things

Mania: Did you say I'm h o t ?

Or this because I like both

Jakey: I-Im gay

Kay: Water's wet. I can bake. Viper is hot.

Jakey: H-Huh?

Kay: I thought we were listing obvious things.

Viper: Did you- Did you say I'm hot?


Ritchie: Looks like we're on to Plan B.

David: Technically,this would be Plan G.

Lucas: How many plans do we have?! Is there like,a Plan M?

Brandon: Yeah but Omni dies in Plan M.

David: I like Plan M.


David: I was thinking more like flat out stealing...

Lucas: What? No way!

David: Why not? We already stole Plant.

Lucas: No we didn't,Plant's a free plant and they can do whatever they want

Plant: Plant wanna steal


Jazz: Give a man fire and he'll be warm for a day.Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Davis: Jazz stop that's not how it works


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