Chapter 5:Eric's POV Thought I Would Eat You?

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It's been hours and Katrina still hasn't come in where she is? I look at my watch and it's 4:30am. I get up and walk to the nurse station where my eyes land on Vera. She noticed me and looks up

" Im sorry Mr.Black she's not answering i think shes sleeping"

" that's to be expected at this time of day. I would just like her to be here when Alex wakes up."

Lies. I want her here with me to help me calm down. I'm a nervous wreck.

" I haven't taken my break yet. I will head home and see if I can wake her up. '' She stands up and lets the others know she's going on her break.

" Head home? Do you two live together?" It's none of my business really it just came out before I could stop myself.

"yes we do we have lived together for 5 years and grew up together" She smiles and walks towards the elevator " I'm sure once she hears alex is here she will come without me even asking" she gives me a small wave before stepping in the elevator.

I walk down the stairs and go to the coffee shop. I need a cup of black coffee. I'm exhausted . I walked back over and got onto the elevator and just stood there. I have no clue how long I have been standing here. I think I zoned out. I hear two women talking and I look up to see the door open and that's when she comes into view.


I have no clue why I'm so attracted to her. She's not short but not tall either. I'm 6,4 and she comes up to about my chest so I would guess she's around 5,6ish . Her skin is so pale if she was sleeping I would mistake her for a corpse . Normally i wouldnt like a woman so pale but something about her pulls me in. I look at her up and down and she has her back to me. I don't think she sees me yet.

Her dark brown hair is pulled up into a bun showing off her big curls. I can tell she recently took a shower she smells like roses and her hair is still a little damp. She has on the same blue scrubs all the other nurses wear but somehow hers are different unlike the rest hers aren't skin tight they are loose fitting and look more practical. Take Vera for example she is a beautiful woman but her scrub top is tight and her pants hug her waist and show off her curves she wants men to look.

" Oh come on your a virgin not a saint you know he's hot" Vera states this proudly as she turns around to look at Katrina That's when she notices me and her eyes are locked on mine

"Yeah I'm aware of what I am Vera. I'm just saying he's not all that. Yes he's attractive i'll give him that but that doesn't mean my panties will drop the second he calls my name. Plus your attention should be on Alex not her hot older brother." Katareens has her hand on her hip and starts drinking her coffee. I can't help but smile.

So she thinks I'm attractive, good to know she has always avoided me, always speaking directly to my sister and all her attention on alex. Which is good don't get me wrong it should be that way but i want her attention i want her to look at me. As if she can sense me she turns around and her eyes took a quick look at my body before she looked me in the eyes.

"Good morning Mr.Black'' She looks at me and i can't look away from her eyes. God her eyes are beautiful. I don't think I have seen someone with such eyes. Grey eyes that have a shine to them and her soft pink lips. She looks beautiful without any makeup and that's rare these days . She turns back around and gives all of her focus on Vera . Who i think just watched me basically eye fuck Katrina.

"Good morning Sir" Her voice is shaking and her face is bright red. Oh i don't think i was supposed to hear their conversation but i'm glad i did.

As soon as the doors open Katrina runs out " Kat this isn't our floor!" Vera looks like she wished Katrina would have taken her with her. She says something I'm unable to hear as she heads to the stairs. Walking out of the elevator I head to the bathroom after drinking all that coffee I have to go. As i'm coming out i see Vera looking at Katrina

" Really, Kat , you just leave me alone with him? Vera looks at Katrina like she left her to die in a whole and all I see is Katrina laughing at her.

"Relax girl you made it out alive the lion didn't eat you" She leaned over the desk and picked up a chart but i couldn't help but look at her ass as she's bent over.

" So you thought i would eat you huh?" I give a small smirk. God she's beautiful. She looked at me and immediately looked down before looking back at me and smiling

" Hello ago Mr.Black im reading over alexandarias chart i will be in shortly to make my rounds." Before I could say anything else she walked away from me. God this woman will be the death of me.

Grinning to myself I look back over at Vera who has a creepy grin of her own.

Walking back to the room i sit down and hold my sisters hand leaning over i place my head on my hand and take a deep breath

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