Chapter 23 : Baby Talk

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It's been ten minutes and neither of us has said a word. I feel really hot. I get up taking the over shirt I have on off leaving only my tank top on. I pick up my water and head to the balcony and sit down. Feeling the fresh cool air on my skin feels great. I shift my body a little and sit on my feet crossing my legs and take a deep breath.

"Eric can you join me out here please." I say quietly so I don't wake up whoever may be sleeping in the apartment.

It was only a matter of seconds that I heard his footsteps coming out as he closed the door behind him taking a seat beside me.

"It's not too cold out tonight" He breaks the silence first. Thank goodness. He is sitting so close to me I can feel the heat coming off his body.

"It feels nice out" I feel my body relax and I lean into his side.

"Kat." He stops for a second and he takes my hand in his."What I said last week came out wrong. When I said it was a mistake I meant not using a condom. What happened between us was far from a mistake.

He moves his thumb over my hand and continues talking "I told you how I felt. I have liked you for a long time and I want to see where this goes. Emily called me yelling going on and on about you being pregnant and how you said you weren't keeping it. You weren't answering and I know it's a possibility that you could be since we made love multiple times without a condom that night."

"Can we just leave Emily out of this" I can hear the jealousy in my voice.

"I know that you may not have the same feelings I have for you but when I was told you were buying pregnancy tests I felt like I had a right to know but a part of me feels like if I didn't come here and all this happened and you didn't get your period in the next ten day you wouldn't tell me either."

"I wouldn't second guess you for a second I know I am the only man you have been with and I want to make sure you know that whatever happens in the next week or so I will be here for you."

"That's exactly it I wouldn't want a relationship just because I got pregnant."

"I want a relationship regardless" My heart stops for a second at the sound of his words. He wants to try to see where this goes. Where we go.

"Are you serious?" Without even knowing im giving him puppy dog eyes making him smile

"You have a better puppy dog face then Alex" He pokes my cheek and kisses my forehead

"I want to see where this takes us. I want to kiss you in front of Alex and introduce you as my girlfriend to my family. I want to try and give us a chance.

"What happens if we don't click?"

"Are you kidding? I think we fit perfectly. So does Alex and Nitta."

"Nitta?" I'm so confused. Why does Nitta think we fit together..

"Yeah she saw me coming out of your room in the morning. She's been aware of my feelings for you this whole time."

I can feel my cheeks turning red. Nitta saw that explains why she acted odd and stopped talking when I went to the kitchen

"Can i ask one thing?" His eyes meet mine

I stand up and stretch looking at him waiting for him to continue"Yes? Do you want to go inside and cuddle on the couch and watch something. My bed is taken and I'm sure the new parents are having a moment."

Eric stands up and follows me inside. I walk into the kitchen and make some tea for us to sip on while Eric is finding a movie to put on. He picks 50 first dates and pats the spot beside him.

I'm feeling a bit risky so instead of sitting beside him I sit on his lap facing him with my arms around his neck "What do you want to ask me?"

"What were the names?"

I blink a few times "What?"

I feel his hands run down my back as he stops right above my ass.

"The baby's name your mother picked out for you. "

"UGH" I rolled off him letting out a frustrated sound.

"Why more baby talk" I lay my head in his lap and look up at him.

"It's not like if we talk about a baby it will just magically grow in here" He laughs as he pats my flat stomach

"Don't do that" I brush his hand off my stomach and sit up

"Did I do something wrong?" He puts his hands up in the air acting like he's surrendering.

" It just feels weird. All this baby talk today and the way you were touching me just feels odd." It feels odd because a part of me even for a second liked the feeling of his hand being on my stomach talking about a baby, our baby.

" I didn't mean it that way" He brings his face to me and kisses me lightly on the lips. " But I am serious. you looked really happy talking about baby names with Vera and I interrupted before you could say the names."

The look in his eyes is something I'm not used to seeing. I lay my head back in his lap and he brings his hand down to my stomach again but I don't make him move his hand. A part of me likes the way it feels.

" My mother loved babies. To her they were a blessing sent from heaven. My name is Katrina, my mother was German and she wanted me to have a deep meaningful name. My name means Pure. She would always call me her little lotus flower. It was also her favorite flower. Both my name and the flower mean pure."

"She already picked out a name for the baby she was carrying when she passed. She called her Eda which means happiness. My mother was so happy to be pregnant again. Then we found out she was sick and they insured she could keep the pregnancy and still continue to get treatment. They said it was safe but her body was too weak"

I started to feel a burning sensation I'm all too familiar with. Eric bent over and kissed my forehead and started to rub my belly. I put my hand on top of his hand that was rubbing my belly and my whole body relaxed.

"My mom picked out 3 girl names and 3 boy names." I laughed just thinking about one of the boy names."

"Mila which means love and grace. Bella which means beautiful and Amara which means eternal. All three names are very beautiful. I can still hear my mother say these names in her native tongue. She had a beautiful accent. I miss the way she would say my name." I can feel my chest tighten. I want to cry so bad I miss her like crazy.

"I haven't talked this much about her in years." I close my eyes and imagine her smile, how she used to smell, the sound of her voice.

"You don't have to talk about her" The gentleness in his voice and the way his fingertips brush against my face make me fall even more for this man.

I reach my hand up and cup his face. " I feel at peace talking about her with you. I think she would have liked you" My mother would have loved him.

"What about the boy names?" His voice sounds a little eager and he starts to rub my belly again. I can't help but play along this time.

" Oh ? It sounds to me like you want a son" I can't help the giggle that leaves my lips.

"I have always wanted a daughter." i'm shocked I would assume he would want a son most men do.

"You want a daddy's girl don't you?" This conversation took a turn but it doesn't feel odd anymore it just feels like a couple who is talking about their future.

"I do actually." Oh my heart. My uterus is screaming for this man to put a baby in me if he hasn't already."Boy names?" he pushes the subject again.

I shifted a little getting more comfortable on his lab and his hand never once leave my stomach.

" Asher which means blessed, Atlas which means bearer of the heavens and. " I stop for a second staring in his eyes

" Eric which means Eternal ruler."

His eyes go wide for a second before smiling.

"She liked the name Eric?"

"She loved the name Eric. I told you should would have liked you

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