Chapter 16: To the Beach!/ Happy Birthday?

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It's been almost a week since I moved in with Eric and Alex. I have successfully avoided him. I only see him during dinner. Here lately my dreams are focused on him. So I'm glad I don't see him much. I can't look him in the eyes.

I spend most of my time during the day getting to know everyone. Nitta and Ben have been married for 40 years; they don't have any children of their own. Nitta took on the job as nanny when Eric and his two sisters were born. Both Nitta and Ben have been working for Bill for over 30years they live on the property.

Bill is a very laid back man. He helps with cooking and cleaning. I feel like Nitta and Ben are more like family, not the help.

Alex and Bill go for walks everyday, her health has been getting better since leaving the hospital. I also think it has something to do with being back here.

I have seen different sides to both Alex and Eric. Alex likes to spend all her time with her grandfather if it's not going for walks they are watching old movies together or listening to music and dancing. He's a very hands on grandfather all of his free time he spends with her.

Eric has been busy at work he leaves early and comes home late but no matter how tired he is he still eats dinner with everyone. Over the past two years I only ever saw him look serious or exhausted. Now I have seen him simply laugh and care for those he loves.

After dinner he spends most of his time outside on the patio reading over papers a few times he even fell asleep outside. I feel like a stalker but it has become routine.

After dinner he takes a shower, after everyone has fallen asleep he goes outside. I can see him from my balcony. I sit drinking hot tea and watch the sunset and keep my eye on him.

A few times he has caught my eye but neither of us have tried to make conversation. We just watch each other. His eyes are always full of lust or longing but let's be honest mine probably are too.

I have been finding myself wanting to be close to him. A few times I stopped myself from going outside and sitting with him afraid of what he might say.

I talk to Vera every day. She's doing great Jake has practically moved in so she's not alone which is good. This house is full of people but I still find myself feeling lonely.

Most of my dreams about Eric include me going into his room in the middle of the night and climbing in bed with him. Nothing sexual happens, it's more like we both want to be near someone. We fall asleep in each other's arms. But that is just a dream if I were to go into his room I wouldn't be able to control my need for him. My body craves for his touch and I would gladly let him have any part of me that he wants.

Today is Saturday Alex and Vera have been bugging me every day for the past week to take benz for a drive. So that's what we have planned for today. It's a nice sunny day out, it might be the last before fall kicks in. Since today is Eric's birthday I asked him if he wanted to join us.

So we are heading to my old apartment and from there we will take the hour long drive to the beach and have a small picnic.

I'm dressed in a mid thigh red sundress that has lace in the back with my hair let down and sunglasses on my head so my hair is pushed back out of my face. It's a nice day but I'm sure the water is not warm enough to swim in so i'm not even going to bother packing a swimsuit.

Alex has on shorts and a tank top while V has on a long pink maxi dress with her hair up. Eric looks good in anything he wears his simple navy blue button up shirt that shows every muscle and khaki shorts almost had me drooling.

"I love that dress on you. It fits your body perfectly especially your butt" this is the second time V has mentioned my ass. I'm sure she is enjoying it because everytime i look over, Eric is eyeing me up and down.

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