Chapter 21: One plus One Equals Baby?

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"A pregnancy test?" I knew the area well and we are almost to the apartment but I turn around and go the opposite direction heading back to the drug store. This is the last thing I thought I would be buying for V. Just last week she was hounding me for not using protection.

As I'm walking into the store with Alex by my side I see an all too familiar figure. This is the last thing i need to deal with right now. Dipping down the aisle to avoid meeting Emily's gaze we make it to the section we need.

Grabbing two boxes one is normal and the other digital. I hold on tight to Alex's hand and walk past Emily fast getting in line. I know she saw me her eyes lingered on the boxes in my hand and her face showed pure disgust.

I keep my head forward and paying for the items and walking back to the car Alex is already opening her door getting in my hand is on the door handle with the door halfway open when I hear her annoying voice behind me.

" Trying to trap him already. I hope you dont think a baby will make him stay '' her eyes glaze over my body and stop on my collar bone she pointed to her neck as she spoke.

" Don't feel special; he likes to mark all the women he plays with like that." I dont hide my irritation and she is making sure she pushes all my buttons. The mark on my collar bone is almost faded but she still had to point it out. My hand grips the door handle hard as I try to calm myself down.

" I know a great doctor who will help you take care of it. Just get my number from Eric im sure he still has it" Smiling smugly she points to my stomach.

I have hit my boiling point. I toss my keys into the front seat guestering to Alex to start the car. I close the car door so alex doesn't hear what I have to say next

" Emily I'm aware you don't like me and honestly I don't care the feelings are mutual. But let me spell this out for you so your pathetic model brain can understand. It's none of your business who the hell i'm with and the marks on my body were not done during a quickie in the bathroom"

Opening the door to my car half way I turn back around and almost spit out the last words " and if it comes out positive it's none of your damn business having a baby with the one you love is not a means to trap someone."

I get in the car and shut the door, smirking over at Emily who is standing on the sidewalk fuming from ear to ear as she gets her phone out and starts yelling at the person on the other end.

" Well I'm going to have to do some damage control" I say looking over at Alex who is hunched over laughing pointing to my window noticing it was probably down the whole time.

"Im sorry I had to be nosy and I'm glad I did." She can barely say the whole sentence in between each laugh.

It only took 5 minutes to reach The apartment complex making my way down the hall unlocking the door and walking into Vera's room.

She's sitting on the bathroom floor with her hands wrapped around the toilet bowl resting her head in the crook of her arm.

She doesn't lift her head up to acknowledge me she just grunts and jerks her head back up attempting to empty her stomach out again.

" Hey" My voice is soft and I walk over sitting on my knees rubbing her back with one hand and take her hair out of her face with the other.


" I bought the stuff. But you owe me big time because I am going to have to do major damage control after Emily saw me with these." Holding the boxes in my hand , she lets out a weak laugh and just leans her head on my shoulder.

" Just say it"

"Say what V?" still rubbing her back she leans back and takes one of the boxes out of my hand and opens it. It's the clue blue digital test she opens the package and looks at me.

"That I had no right to lash out on you last week.I jinxed myself. I really have to pee" I turn around to give her some privacy. We have seen each other at our worst so we are pretty comfortable with stuff like this. Alex is in the living room already opening netflix.

"I wasn't going to say anything like that. How late are you?" My phone is vibrating in my pocket but I choose to not answer it. I already have a feeling I know who it is.

" Two weeks late. I should have started the 24 th of september. I have been in denial this whole time " I reach over and turn on the sink so the sound of water is all you can hear. V is anything but shy but she can't pee when someone is near. "Thanks"

I turn back around and see her standing up as she flushes the toilet witht the test in her hand. She places it on the skin counter upside down so she can't see it while she washes her hands.

"So you conceived sometime in early september? I'm not good at this kind of stuff especially trying to do the math in my head. Vera shook her head agreeing with my question.

" It will take a little bit." She says looking in my eyes.

"When does Jack get off? I pick up the test and lean my back against the wall.

" He's working a half shift someone called off at the hospital. He knows I'm taking it. He keeps better track of my periods then I do" Her eyes are locked on the test in my hand. I push myself off the wall and walk beside her handing it to her. She pushes it back to me. " I can't look will you?"

Putting her hand back to her mouth as she starts to feel sick again" I'm going to get a water"

To take my mind off things I look at my phone. Holy shit 5 missed calls and a shit tone of text messages from Eric. I open them up and start to read them

"Why did you two go over to Veras?"

"When will you be home?"

"We need to talk"

"Emily called me she told me she saw you. Your not answering and neither is Alex"

"Why were you buying a pregnancy test?"

"Kat answer your phone?

"Fine you won't answer i'm coming over"

Oh god Emily called him. Of course she did and now he's jumping to conclusions. Perfect. I close the lid to the toilet and sit down looking at the test as its still loading. I hear the front door open and his voice comes booming in.

"Why aren't you answering your phone? Where is she?" He sounds angry but I did nothing wrong so i'm not even going to call out to him.

"My phone is at home and she's in V's bathroom" Curs you Alex you know exactly what you're doing. Putting gas on a fire.

My eyes stay glued on to the test and I hear him walking closer. He jerks my arm up forcing me to stand up and look him in the eyes. Vera is standing behind him but my eyes go back to the test in my hand and as soon as I see the results a smile forms on my lips.

Pregnant 3+ Is what's on the screen.

"Pregnant" I say softly, still not completely aware that Eric's eyes are locked on me .

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