Chapter 31: Katrina That's Perfect.

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" Im nervous I feel like I have to puke"

I'm on the exam table about to have the first ultrasound. Eric is standing beside me holding my hand while Vera is in another room getting her blood test done to find out what she's having.

" Do you have bad morning sickness?" The ultrasound technician asked as she squeezed out the jelly onto my abdomen.

"No I don't I'm just nervous right now that's all" I flinch a little at how cold the jell is and soon she puts the doppler on my stomach and pushes down.

"All this pressure is making me have to pee" I didn't fully think before I said this and the technician laughed a little at me.

"Just bare with me for a little bit" she pushes down a little harder and moves it around. She turns the screen around for us to be able to see.

" Your measuring at 10 weeks and 5 days so that puts your due date around june 24th"

I turn my gaze to the screen and that's when it comes into view. Small but already in the shape of a fully formed baby.

" He's moving around a lot." I look over and see a different type of smile on his face. One that I have never seen before.

" Oh yes they are very active. They are just too small for you to be able to feel the kick yet. Do you want to hear the heartbeat? She looks over at me and I nood.

My focus is on the little spot that is flickering inside the baby. The baby puts its arm up close to its face and kicks its legs again.The sound of the heart beat fills the room and I squeeze his hand.

" Heart beat is strong at 122" I turn my head over to look at Eric and smile.

After wiping off the jelly from my stomach and handing the pictures we got of the baby to Eric I jump off the table and make my way out the door and stop to look at Vera.

She looks down and sees the pictures in Eric's hand. He hands them to her and she starts crying and pulls me into a hug.

"I think I want to do the blood test."

"Really?" She pushed my shoulders back as looks at me smirking

" It would kill me to know what your having and not finding out myself"

After getting the test done we head back home. snow is already on the ground making people drive slower than normal.

" It will take a week to get the results back. I think we should do something simple not over the top but not a cake" Vera is already planning the Gender reveal she even started making a list of who all to invite.

"Simple please V. Your simple and mine are two different things" I rub my hands together and turn on the heat.

"So do you want to do the Box of colored balloons to where you open it and pink or blue comes out or do you want to do the confetti where you pop it and colored confetti pops out." Eric chuckles a little and shakes his head

"How about a winter themed reveal?" I look in the mirror to see her reaction and she already has her phone out looking on pinterest.

"You know a caption like Baby it's cold outside or the colors could be silver blue and pink. How about something small for this and have the baby shower big? You know just family. Jakes side and Eric's side. Keep it small so we can do a cute photoshoot outside. It would be very pretty if it snows ."

"That's actually a good idea!" She claps her hands together.

"So who will know the genders to get everything together?" I could tell she didn't think of that because her smile disappeared and she started to itch her head.

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