Chapter 6: I Was So Scared

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Above is who I picture as Alex

Walking away I could still feel his eyes on me. Gosh why does he have such an effect on me? After taking a few minutes to compose myself I walk to the restroom to splash some cold water on my face.My shift doesn't start for another hour and a half and I have a lot of overtime so I'm not able to clock in. Instead I made my way over to room 410. Looking over I see the patient's name on the side of the door Alexandria Black.

Opening the door as quietly as possible I just hear the beeping of the monitors . My eyes went right to Alex. She is so tiny, barely 100 pounds, it's common for people with CF to have trouble gaining weight but she has lost 9 pounds since the last time she was here. Yeah 9 pounds does not seem like much in a 3 month time span but it is a lot for someone like her.

I walk close and bring a chair and sit down beside her. I noticed that Eric is sitting on the other end and his face is down. I'm pretty sure he's sleeping. Alex feels cold to the touch so before I sit down I grab two blankets out of the dryer so they are nice and warm and bring them back to the room. I cover Alex up first and then make my way over to Eric his breathing is shallow making me 100 percent sure he's asleep. I drape the blanket over his shoulders and wrap it around the front of him before taking my place on the other side of Alex.

"Oh Alex" I barely whisper making sure I don't wake either of them. I don't really care much for Eric but I feel sorry for him as he truly seems worried about her this time. My first time meeting Eric Black was about two years ago after Alex turned 13 her parents left on a world adventure leaving her behind with her brother. She always spoke about him with such love and always talked about her older sister. She talked about them more than her own parents.

I think that's how I came to truly care about Alex like a sister she felt alone and thrown away by her parents. I remember walking into her room and just seeing her break down and cry because all she wanted was her mom. seeing a young girl cry for her mom made me want to cuddle her and protect her so that's what i did.

I always rubbed her back and watched movies with her when I could . I spent time with her, but I think my favorite part was reading to her.she would always beg me to read and fall asleep to the sound of my voice, almost like a true child. She felt calm around me and that made me truly happy.

I came to work one morning doing my rounds and Alex was always my last stop. When I came in she was fast asleep but I heard noises coming from the bathroom. Not the kind you would expect to come from a bathroom .

I heard moaning. I opened the door and that's when I first laid eyes on him. A tall blonde sat on the edge of the sink with her legs wrapped around his neck. Her fingers hand his black hair in knots , He stopped and went to look up but she pulled him closer to her before the next moan could leave her mouth. I slammed the door shut, making Alex wake up.

He had the nerve to act like nothing happened. I knew who the woman was. Her name was Emily, a very famous model they have been dating on and off for the last two years.

"Alex honey." I picked up her hand and rubbed the top . She started to stir and she opened her eyes. I ran my fingers across her face and pushed her jet black hair out of the way before smiling at her. " Hi sleepy head" she just smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

"Kat. What happened? '' her voice was low and horse i got up to get her some water. Putting the straw to her lips I saw Eric lift his head up and smile.

"You know .. the usual you had a flare up but you're doing much better" I reached my hand up and rubbed the side of her face. "You gave us quite the scare you know '' I looked in her eyes and saw fear.

" Yeah.. I know I'm sorry I was scared to. It has never been like that." She looked down and her voice was weak

" No no honey you have nothing to be sorry about ." She kept her face down and I reached out and put my hand under her chin and made her look up. " Look at me, Alex." Her eyes met mine and she had tears in them.

" You never have to apologize, you understand me? "I stood up and sat on the side of her bed and she reached up and buried her face in my chest.

" i was so scared. I couldn't breathe kat i couldn't make a sound all i could do was scream out my brothers name and hope he heard me" her body was shaking i rubbed her back as she cried i looked up and saw Eric looking at me he mouthed the words " thank you" and i just smiled back.

I hate seeing her like this. I blamed Emily for the longest time for the way Alex thought about herself. why ? Because I walked in one day and overheard Emily downgrading Alex telling a 12 year old that she's a waste of air and a burden on her family is wrong . I have never liked Emily since. Even when she showed up at the hospital pretending to love Alex just to be on Eric's good side.

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