Chapter 33: Maldives Vixen

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"You can let go now baby"

I looked down and saw his knuckles turning white. I had a death grip on his hand the second we started descending.

"Sorry" I Reluctantly let go of his hand and grabbed onto the arm rest. "I hate flying with a passion" I closed my eyes and counted backwards from 10 to calm down.

I could hear Eric laughing as he put his arm around my neck and pulled me closer to him.

"You wouldn't be freaking out if you let me take your mind off us landing" his hot breath was getting closer to my neck as he placed small kisses from my ear down to my collar bone.

" Eric I told you I have no interest in joining the mile high club. A small bathroom with people waiting in line while we get it on is not romantic in the slightest" I swat his arm away only to feel the plane touch ground.

While we got off I was so excited to be on land again I could have kissed the ground I was walking on.

I have never been a fan of flying and when me and Vera moved across the country I slept the whole flight on purpose.

Eric walked beside me and placed his hand around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"So what do you think? We have to take a boat to get to Anantara Dhigu Resort but the view will be worth it I promise"

" As long as i'm with you it's worth it. Just not a fan of small places with lots of people." I lean on him as much as possible while we walk to get our bags.

A private car took us to a dock where we saw people getting on a huge boat. At this point i want to enjoy it as much as possible but i'm beyond tired. I couldn't sleep much on the plane.

" between the rocking back and forth the sounds of the waves crashing and being cuddled up in your arms i don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to keep my eyes open." I snuggled closer to his chest as he played with one of the curls in my hair.

" look up"

With a groan I sat up and looked over towards where he was pointing and I was taken back.

Nothing but crystal clear blue water with cute little houses on top of the water. The sand was white and almost shimmered in the sunlight.

Once we got off the boat I had nothing but energy to spare. We walked down the walkway and came to our own private villa that looked out towards the ocean.

Before I could even walk through the door Eric placed our luggage inside the doorway and picked me up making me giggle.

"I want this next week to just be us, no outside world no phone no worries" Before I could even get a word out his lips met mine and I was being laid down on a huge bed. He leaned over me barely putting any weight on me.

" Hold that thought Romeo I don't mean to kill the mood but I have to pee" he smiled down at me and got up and helped me up.

Darn my weak bladder and raging hormones. I don't know which I want more of him or the need to relieve myself. But the child sitting on my bladder made the choice for me.

After peeing for what felt like 5 minutes straight I took some time to look around and fully let the beautiful view set in.

I didn't notice it before but the room we have has a whole side completely open. Looking out over the ocean and away from others so they can't see in. A huge tub is in the middle of the floor with candles and rose petals sitting off to the side for later.

I look around and see Eric laying on a chair out on the terrace. His arm is laying over his face and his chest is slowly rising and falling while his other arm is under his shirt half way up showing off his abs.

If I already wasn't madly in love with this man I would have fallen in love from this view alone.

I lick my lips and walk over to him like a lioness hunting her prey. I crawl on top of him straddling his waist and slowly move my hands up his shirt kissing every inch of skin that becomes exposed.

By the time I make it to his neck I feel his arms move to my hips and his lips meet mine halfway practically devouring me. His hands slid under my dress and as his fingers lightly caressed my inner thigh he stops and his lips curled into a smile.

" since when did you become so bold you are practically begging me to take you here in the open" his devilishly handsome smile almost makes me lose my breath.

" I was picking up where we left off " my eyes never left his as I start to unbutton his shirt.

" Dinner is in thirty minutes"

" then stop talking and take me"

Eric looks a little surprised by my bluntness but he smiles and unzips his pants.

" Romance can wait till after dinner."

"Screw romance just fuc-" my sentence was cut off with a deep thrust and a loud moan leaving my lips.

His hands had a tight grip on my hips and every thrust was as forceful as the last never letting up.

My moans got louder and louder with every thrust. Erics lips crashed into mine trying to muffle the sound.

" Hurry up we're late for dinner" I whisper scream already halfway out the door.

"Whos fault do you think that is?" Eric is finishing up his last button on his shirt.

"Don't blame me its still your fault"

"How? You're the little vixen you crawled on top of me with no panties on" he smiles at me and laughs. My face definitely got a shade pinker.

" fine I won't do it again" I walked out pretending to pout.

Eric grabs me from behind and kisses my neck.

"Oh please do it again" his voice is low as he nibbles on my ear.

" let's go eat because we have a full night ahead of us."

I tilt my head to the side confused.

"I told you romance after dinner baby aren't you hungry?" He wraps his arms around my stomach and rubs my bump.

" She's hungry for food but I'm hungry for something else." I wiggle my eyebrow and giggle.

"My little vixen."

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