Chapter 9 : Eric's POV: G-Tube

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After watching Katrina walk out of the room holding her wrist I looked over at Emily who seemed annoyed I came back in the room.

"Emily look at me now." I don't yell but my voice is stern enough that she knows I'm not paying around .

"What Eric?" Looking her up and down i don't know how i ever liked someone as fake as her . Her voice is no longer sexy to me and her fake curvy figure was obviously bought. I haven't been with Emily in almost a year, not since I overheard her downgrading my sister and if Katrina didn't step in and put her in her place I was going to. As soon as we got home I had all of her stuff packed and ready for her to leave. She knew i had a reason but she didn't know i heard her talking to Alex like that.

"What are you doing here. We aren't together, we haven't been for a while. The way you were hanging all over my was out of line as well" i made my way over to her and grabbed her hand and walked her to the door. " Don't come back here acting like we are together you are nothing to me now leave" My voice is low but she knows i'm not playing around.

" Whatever Eric, I came because I heard what happened and I wanted to see if you needed a shoulder to cry on or legs to climb in'' She reached for my face trying to lean in for a kiss when I backed away. Im not stupid she was never faithful she had plenty of people on the side while i stayed faithful to her.

" You know we get along great in bed just a little something to hold me over until i leave town for my next photo shoot" she blew a kiss my way "If you change your mind i still have the same number" She smiled as she walked out.

" I thought she would never leave" I looked over to see Alex making a face at the door.

" Yeah same here" i laugh and walk over to her

" I'm just glad you're better, you really scared me. I pulled her into a hug and her tiny arms wrapped around me

"You know i still think you and Kat would be great for each other"

"Yes I know you tell me everytime we come here. Do you get bored being here so you try to play matchmaker?

" No i just truly like her and Vera but she has a boyfriend so she's off limits. But Kat would be perfect for you. I also think you would be good for her to" She gives me a look as if she has seen into my future. For being almost 16 she sure sounds like a grownup.

"Oh really? Have you seen into my future oh great wise one?

Holding her fingers to her head and humming she looks at me and smiles " yes i have and she is your true love. I see you two being together and having a beautiful family."

"Oh you see me with kids do you?

"Of course i want a niece or nephew and i think if you two had a child it would be beautiful. Plus you would be the luckiest man alive to have Kat as a wife and mother of your child"

I just laugh at her and make small talk trying to get her attention off of Katrina. A few days have passed and Dr.Wiggins has decided that the next best option moving forward would be for Alex to get the g-tube. She has lost enough weight that she's on the line of being under 100 pounds and she's not getting enough nutrients. She knows it's for the best but she is putting up one hell of a fight.

"NO Eric it's not that i don't understand why i need it i know why i just wish i didn't need it i want to be normal! No boy is going to want to go out with me or touch me if I have a hole in my stomach!" She throws another pillow at me and I dodge it with ease.

"It shouldn't matter how you get food as long as your health stop thinking about what boys will think about it they shouldn't be seeing your stomach anyway"

"God you are such an old man! I want to be loved brother im not saying i want to have sex"

"Sex? You're too young for that, get it off your mind right now!" Sex ? is she serious she's 15

"I just said i didnt want sex! God why don't you listen to me! This is why i want Kat around i need to be able to have talks with another female brother"

"What's wrong with talking to me? I can give you the sex talk i can also be a big brother and listen to your problems . " walking over and sitting beside Alex I took her hand in mine.

"It's not the same i know i can trust you and come talk to you but i also know that i would feel better if i could have these talks with mom.But she has better things to do in life then to be with me. Plus for the last five years i feel like Kat has been more of a mom to me then mom has."

As much as it hurts me to admit it but it's true I have seen it over the last few years Katrina is protective over Alex and treats her like a young sibling but also has a motherly touch to her.

"Hey brother"

"Yeah?" nothing good comes from that phrase and those puppy dog eyes she gives.

"I already have a private nurse.. What if." She stops and makes sure I'm looking at her puppy dog eyes before she continues " What if we asked Kat to come be my private nurse?"

"She already has a job, what makes you think she would take the offer?"

" I don't know if she will but it wouldn't hurt to ask. Please?"

Before Alex went back into surgery she asked me to go to Katrinas and ask her to be her private nurse . The surgery can take about an hour and I asked for Veras phone number because i know she would be more willing to let me come over then Katrina. So after Alex was taken back i left and went to their apartment


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