Chapter 22:Damage Control

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Eric still has my arm tight in his grip and I wince at the pain and pull away from him.

"That hurts let go" Pushing my free hand against his chest he grabs the test from me and looks at it.

" You're pregnant" He lets my arm go and I rub it. I can feel a dull pain. I'll probably have a bruise tomorrow.

Ignoring him all together I walk over to V and hug her. She's crying and buries her face in my chest. He grabs my shoulder again and rips me away from Vera and turns me around to face him.

"It's nothing to be happy about" His voice is stern and lifeless he looks so pissed right now.

" Get off me" I yell as if he just realized he's holding onto me so tightly he lets go and steps back.

"Relax Eric I'm not pregnant don't flatter yourself " Rubbing my arm I take the test out of his hand and set it down on the sink. "It was last week so unless you have super sperm it wouldn't show up 3+ weeks already and the last time I checked I was a virgin until last week."

Alex is standing in the doorway looking at me" Wait you guys hooked up!"

I put my face in my hand trying to regain my composure since now his little sister seems more happier. I hooked up with her brother then he is.

"Alex go to the living please it's none of your concern" His voice is still hard as he's giving Alex a stern look.

" It kind of is Emily was rude to her and if she was pregnant with your child you shouldnt let your stupid ex talk to her the way she did telling her to get an abortion!" Alex threw her hands in the air and slammed the bathroom door shut.

" That girl loves a dramatic exit" Laughing I pull V into a hug. This whole time she has stood here with tears in her eyes.

" V everything will be alright Jake loves you" I know for a fact he does because two months ago I went ring shopping with him helping him pick out the best ring to propose to her with.

"A baby Kat a baby?" her voice shakes and her hands go down to her stomach.

"Hey. No matter what a baby is a miracle. Whether it's Planned or not it's a gift from the heavens." I smile Remembering this was the same thing my mother told my father when they found out she was pregnant with the baby that died along with her.

V wiped her tears away and looked at me "Really you're using your mother's words against me" She smiles at me and hugs me.

"My mother loved children. You know this, I'm sure if her body would have let her she would have given me many siblings." My eyes start to burn at the thought of my mother. I put my arms around her letting out a sigh.

"Yeah she did love babies. She even picked out the names for our future children, remember?"

Laughing and shaking my head " Yes I remember how could I forget."

"What were the names again?" V is looking at me with a small smile on her face.

"You would use one for your baby?" My voice cracks a little

"Of course Kat and it's only fitting because your the godmother"

Eric cleared his throat, still standing in the conor while me and V were talking.

" Sorry I over reacted" He runs his fingers through his hair and his cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"Yeah you did" I was short with my response. I'm angry with him for how he acted.

"Your mad"

"Well no shit" My voice is full of sarcasm. I pull my arm sleeve down a little and show him my arm that's beat red.

"I told you I bruise easily and I'm sure this will be a nice one" Pointing to my arm he frowns and moves closer to me and pulls me into a hug. I want to stay mad at him but it feels so right being in his arms.

"I hate to break up this hug but I have a question." V is standing right beside us. Thank goodness for her big bathroom.

"What?" I leg go off Eric and gesture to the door "We should go to the living room this bathroom is big and all but not really a place to have a full conversation."

All three of us walk into the living room and Alex gets up still mad at her brother " Can I go into your room kat? Im feeling tired"

I walk over to her and feel her head making sure she doesn't feel hot and shake my head. "Yes go head get some rest."

Now that it's just us three out here I look at Vera waiting for her to finish what she was saying before.

"Eric you came in very angry and even hurt Kat because you thought she was the one pregnant. Like she said it was only last week she wouldn't even know yet if she was and it still is a possibility since you had unprotected sex but the way you came in here acting was not okay. What if she was pregnant. You said it wasn't something to be happy about." Vera looked sad as she put her hand to her stomach and looked at me. I rub her leg and smile at her.

"V I highly doubt I would be that unlucky to get pregnant the first time I have sex so stop thinking crazy okay?" It's not something I ever thought about. I don't want kids not now.

"Okay but what if you are? Kat we do everything together and it would be your luck to be pregnant with me." She pauses and then smiles " Actually that would be awesome being pregnant together." She puts her hand on my shoulder and laughs "Tag your it"

" No Vera it wouldn't be "Awesome" you have been with Jake for years. You're in love and have your life together and i'm sure when he gets home the first thing he's going to do is ask to see the test. He will be overjoyed being a father. So stop getting these ideas in that crazy head of yours."

I look over at Eric who has been silent this whole time his eyes haven't left my body.

"And take your tag back. I don't want it. Babies are something I don't see in my future. Plus I will have my hands full with my little godchild." I get up to get us all something to drink and I can still sense his eyes on me.

"But what if you are? You said it yourself you wouldn't know yet." Looking in his direction and shaking my head.

"Don't go there " walking back in with some bottles of water I set them on the table and sit back down between Vera and Eric.

"We're already there Kat" He tries to take my hand but I move it away.

"How about this? I will let you both know when I start my period so you guys can back off? See Vera Damage control" Pointing my finger his way.

" And when is that? It feels awkward telling him that but if it gets him to back off.

"My last period was September 17t and before you ask yes we had sex on October 1st which was during the time I was ovulating. So around October 18 give or take a day and I will have my next period and you guys can back off."

"So 10 days away." I look over at him as he has his calendar open on his phone.

"What are you doing? Are you keeping track of my period?" I give him a confused look.

"Yes is that weird?"

"Yeah a little" I shift in my seat as he starts typing in his phone.

"What happens if you don't start on the 18th?" His sharp eyes stare right into mine and my breath gets caught in my throat.

What does happen? We aren't together, we barely know each other. I'm caught up in my own mind when I hear the door open and Jake calls out to Vera who jumps up and runs into his arms taking him into her room.

Now it's just me and Eric. I can feel the tension in the air.

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