Chapter 8 : Staycation

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Rolling over in bed feeling the air on my exposed back stretching out and pulling my body pillow to my chest. I feel like I just went to sleep. Vera had some company last night and let's just say it got kind of loud.

Our rooms are right next door to each other and I can hear everything. She also doesn't bother keeping quiet either . Today is day 3 of our vacation and i plan on staying in bed for as long as i can making up the sleep they took from me.

I could hear someone walking by my bed and a hand reached out and touched my hair. I smacked the hand away before shoving my face into the pillow " V go away i was up all night listening to you and jake go at it like rabbits i just want to sleep how are you not tired after all of that i'm tired and i wasn't even doing anything ."

I felt a finger run down my spine and I shivered at the touch. This isn't Vera she would normally take all the covers off me and make comments about me being naked. I sit right up pushing my thick curls out of my face to be sitting right in front of the one and only Eric Black. He gives me a sexy smirk before opening his mouth to speak

" I'm shocked it took you as long to figure out it wasn't Vera she let me in by the way." his voice sends shivers down my spine making me lower my head and blush. " I normally don't get this reaction from you. It's a new side of you although I don't mind seeing you like this. You are breathtakingly beautiful but I have to ask you to put some clothes on before I take that card you are holding on to." His eyes run down my body. I follow and notice I'm completely naked and he has a perfect view of my whole upper body. I pull all my blankets up to my chest and look him dead in his eyes.

" Get out!" I'm practically yelling at this point, pushing him with all my might while trying to hold onto my blankets. " What are you doing in my room, get out now!"

He just sits on my bed looking at me with lust in his eyes. I give up and let my hands hold my blanket to my chest. He's just eying me up and down. I look down and see half my thigh is hanging out. His gaze finally comes to a stop as he's staring at my lips which I just noticed I keep biting. He lets out a groan and shifts his weight so he's almost leaning against me. His breath is so close if i move my face just an inch i would be kissing him.

"Katrina.." Hearing him call my name with a low husky tone makes me want to jump on him and dive into his kisses. He brought his hand up to my face and brushed my hair back behind my ear. Every place his hand just touched feels like it's on fire. Why does my body react like this to him?

" Mr.Black? " My voice comes out more like a whisper but I'm unable to break his gaze. " I need to put on some clothes, will you please leave?" He is still just staring at me. I don't even think he heard what I was saying. He pushes more of his body onto me pushing my back up against my headboard making me unable to get away from him.

" Katrina.. I will have you one day. You are going to be under me begging me to make love to you and I will hear your sweet voice screaming my name. I will be the one to claim your virginity. You belong to me" he puts his hand around the back of my neck drawing me closer to him just centimeters away from me. My bedroom door opens up and Vera comes walking in both me and Eric turn to look at her,

" See I told you he had a thing for you" Grinning from ear to ear as she heads to my closet and pulls out an outfit for me to throw on. She walks over to me and hands me my clothes and I notice Eric has pulled away from me and started to stand up. " Has the wolf come to play? Or did you just miss her " Vera looks at Eric and walks away.

I take this chance to make a run for my bathroom with my clothes in one hand and my blanket covering my body with the oher. I shut the door behind me and put on the clothes Vera picked out. Of couse V you give me a tanktop and shorts the clothes that show the most of my body. I sigh and brush my teeth and brush my hair letting my thick brown curls fall down my back. I walk back and stop in my tracks when I see Eric looking over my picture on my desk. He's fixed on the picture of me and my mother taken a year before she died. I walk over to him and take the photo out of his hand and stare at it before carefully putting it down.

" When was this taken? You look so similar to the woman in this photo" his eyes are still on the picture before looking back at me. He does another scan of my body before smiling at me " You look even better without scrubs on" i give a little fake smile before turning around and heading to the door..

"It was taken 11 years ago its me and my mother before she got sick" My voice is low and holds little to no emotion. I hate thinking about her when I do nothing but pain takes over my body and it's better to block out everything then to have to relieve that pain again. Eric is following behind me and I made my way out to the living room sitting on the couch glaring at Jake and Vera who are all over each other.

" Didn't you guys get enough of each other last night? Keep going and you're going to be half naked on the couch" trying hard to not laugh at the look on Vera's face as she gets off Jake.

"Who's to say we haven't already had our share of fun on the couch? I have no come back to her because I'm sure I don't want to know if she's serious or not. I hold my hands up, surrender and look back over to Eric.

" So why are you here? Is Alex alright?"

" Yes she's fine. Mad but fine. " He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a sigh

" Dr.Wiggins chose to do the g-tube didnt he?" I pat the couch next to me motioning for him to sit down. To my surprise he doesnt waste a second before sitting down next to me.

" Yes he did and Alex is upset she doesn't want the g-tube she thinks it will affect her life negatively " He leans to his side and puts his elbow on the side of the couch and rest his head on his hand

" More like she's worried it will be unattractive to guys.she's 15 girls her age go on dates and be adventurous and a g-tube is not something 15 year old boys know what to do with" Vera crosses her legs and looks over at us. " Come on it's normal for her to feel that way she wants to feel love we can't deny her that"

She's right i may be a virgin but i also wanted to be loved and feel needed when i was 15. I look over at Eric and he seems to be in deep thought. He looks over to me meeting my gaze and lets out a sigh

"It would be nice if our mother was here. A 15 year old girl needs to have her mother around so she can talk to her about these things. I tried talking to her about guys but it's not a talk she wants to hear from me. She kicked me out of the room earlier because i tried to give her "the talk" Just because she has CF doesn't mean she can't be in a relationship" Hearing him speak like this is a real eye opener. He's right she needs her mom to help her through this.

" So where is your mom?" I shoot a glare over at Vera who has now all of a sudden grew a pair of balls because she's no longer turning into a puddle under him.

"Both her and my father have no plans on coming back anytime soon and our other sister is pregnant and out of town for a few weeks so i don't really have anyone else."

"You don't have anyone else for what?" Why do I feel like I'm about to get pulled into a lion's den?

" Katrina.. Will you please come work for me as Alex's private nurse. She needs a woman figure in her life i'm doing the best i can but watching you with her these last two years i don't think i could find anyone else as qualified as you." Eric's beautiful eyes have me trapped unable to move .


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