chapter 7: Emily

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This is who I imagine Emily as

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This is who I imagine Emily as.

More than half way through my shift Alex and Eric are both doing fine. Everytime i go in to check on Alex I can feel his eyes on me. I swear i feel like they are glued to my ass half the time i feel like i should stop and turn around and catch him in the act but a part of me likes knowing he can't keep his eyes off me.

During my break I look and check my phone to see if Vera is awake yet. I have no new text but maybe I'll call her . Before she left she told me she had something to tell me.

"hello?" her voice sounds awake and chipper

" Oh i guess your up"

" Of course I'm up, 8 hours of sleep is enough for me. I made some dinner and it's put away for you . I'm such a good wife" laughing at her own words

" Vera you will make a good wife to a lucky man. So what did you have to tell me?"

" Yeah about that so i'm just going to let you know Mr.Hottie is hot for you"

" Yeah sure and the sky is purple" walking out of the hospital and into the garden outside to sit and relax. I look around and see Eric who is on his phone and in a black suit looking devilishly handsome.

"No, I'm serious. His eyes were glued to you the whole time."

I went to say something when I saw an all too familiar figure walk up to Eric and kiss him. " Lovely Emily is in town" i didn't hide the dislike in my tone

" Emily as in Eirc in between her legs emily?" God why did I ever tell Vera what I saw them doing that day." I'm just saying if I saw that I wouldn't have been able to walk away. That sounds so hot"

"Ew V of course you would say that" checking my watch I still had plenty of time to go see alex.

"Girl im telling you once someone swipes that V-card of yours all you will be able to think about when you see Eric is him in between your legs"

I stood up and made my way back to the building opening the door " No V i won't be thinking about him in between my legs even after the v-card has been swiped my mind will not go in that direction i adore alex too much to think about him like that"

Hearing the sound of someone clearing their throat i look behind me to see emily and eric. Of course!

I should stop talking while I'm ahead before I die of embarrassment. Emily is staring daggers at me and Eric well he looks pleased at the fact that he is once again a topic of my conversations.

"A little inappropriate for a work conversation don't you think?" Even the sound of her voice is annoying. It sounds like nails on a chalkboard but she is right and this is my place of work.

"Well it's also frowned upon to listen in on other conversations" flashing her a small smile. I turn around and walk into the building making sure I don't hold the door open for her letting it fall fast behind me.

"Lovely just lovely V. Why do I dislike her so much? "Walking fast enough to put some distance between me and the clicking of her high heels I head for the stair care knowing she wouldn't dear follow me because then little miss perfect would have to walk up 6 flights of stairs.

"I swear Kat one day she will be the one who hates you if she doesn't already. Like i said i have seen the way he looks at you it's different. He looks at emily like a good lay but you girl in the elevator this morning when you were talking about him he was looking you up and down practically undressing you with his eyes"

I went to say something before she cut me off "And before you say anything else he also looked like a wild animal this morning drooling over your ass when you were bending over to get the chat . He probably would have eaten you if you two were alone in a room."

"I am aware of him staring at my ass. He has made no effort in trying to hide that he has done it all day" Taking my last few steps before going to open the door to the 6th floor." V. I'm heading back. I will see you when I get home and we can start our next few days off watching all the best of Adam Sandler movies okay? Love you bye!!" hanging up before she could even reject me. I headed back to work.

Just one hour left until I get to go home and relax! Everytime i go into Alex's room Emily is running at the sound of the door opening and practically dry humping Eric's lap. I notice he keeps giving her dirty looks and pushing her off every time this happens. It reminds me of a dog marking the same tree over and over again just to claim what belongs to them.

" Emily stop being ridiculous my sister is sleeping less than five feet away from us." Shoving her off his lap he stands up running his fingers through his hair and walks into the bathroom. He keeps his eyes head not looking my way at all.

Normally I feel his gaze all over my body but I guess Emily is like Eric repellent . I guess that could come in handy. I laugh to myself at my own little joke and start taking emily's vitals when i feel emily grab my hand

" Listen well bitch i dont know what's going on with you and Eric but everytime you're near he acts different so back off before I'm forced to make you" Her red painted nails are digging into my wrist making me flinch back from the pain

That's it i have a backbone this is my work place and her putting her hands on me and threatening me is not turning over well for me at this moment, I drop the chart on accident making Alex jump awake and her eyes are wide looking at me and Emily.

"Emily i think it's best if you leave" My voice is loud and cold as i'm looking at her dead in the eyes.

" Oh no honey i'm here for Eric to give him support" Her smile makes me sick to my stomach. Still staring at her I use my free hand to rip her hand off me.

"Support or not if you come between me and doing my job I will have you removed by your own free will or by security, it's your choice." I bend over picking up the chart smiling at Alex who looks just as shocked as Emily.

"Why do i feel like i just missed something important? " Eric stands by the bathroom door with a look of confusion. He looks at Emily before shifting his gaze to me and then down to my wrist." Katrina you bleeding" He starts to walk over to me but i put my hand out in front of me telling him to stop.

"I just came to get vitals." Looking back at Alex I smile and give her a hug. " This is my last visit for the day my shift is about to be over and i have the next five days off so don't take this the wrong way but Alex i don't want to see you still here when i get back. Get better" I hold her hand in mine and sit on her bed. " Keep your weight up your down 9 pounds if you keep losing all this weight the doctor will have no choice but to put a g-tube in"

" Yes the doctor did come in and advise us that it's the best way for her to get the nutrients she needs to start gaining weight"Eric is standing behind me with a rag in his hand reaching out to my wrist that had some blood on it.

I let go of Alex's hand and stood up facing him " No thank you it's fine i will clean it up properly when i get home " Turning around one last time i smiled at Alex. " Think it over, it might be what's best. " Looking Eric up and down one last time taking in all his features before walking out. I never really noticed how tall he was until he was standing right in front of me.

"What happened to her wrist?" His voice sounded harsh and cold. I shivered at the thought. I would hate to be on the other end of his tone right now.

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