She's All I Had Left

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Narrators POV
Rose's eyes closed shut for the last time, the blood had stopped pouring from her wounds, the pink tinge of her cheeks faded. Ron pulled his knees into his chest as he buried his head, trying his best to muffle his sobs. Hermione however cried like she never had before, clinging onto Rose's body as she sobbed into her blonde hair. Hermione's hands were stained red with Rose's blood, along with the floor, the only remaining thing Hermione had of her. The halls drew quiet, it was almost like the world around them knew what Hermione had just lost, what they all had just lost. Ron moved in closer to Hermione as he pried her hands away from Rose, brining her into his chest so she could continue to cry. He felt as though he had to be strong for her. Without Hermione or Ron even realising Professor McGonagall had rushed into the corridor, stopping at the sight before her. Like Ron, she pushed back her emotions and tried to be strong for her two students, even though the effects of this war made her want to break down.

"Why don't we get her out of here" McGonagall cooed making Hermione and Ron lift their heads up to meet McGonagalls eyes. All filled with tears.
"Come on you two, let's get you out of here I will deal with this" She tried to smile as she helped Ron and Hermione both up to their feet.

The lost expressions of her two students made her feel weak at the knees, she couldn't even bring herself to look at Rose. Suddenly, Professor Trelawney made her way into the corridor trying to find McGonagall.

"Minerva-" she began but like McGonagall had she stopped right as soon as she saw the scene.
"You take these two back to the main hall I will tend to Miss Nicholls" She smiled, and with that a shaking McGonagall held onto Hermione and Ron as she escorted them away from the corridor slowly.

Trelawney knelt besides Rose, placing a hand on her shoulder to lift her lifeless body up so it could be taken to safety. But after placing her hand onto Rose she decided to not take her back to the great hall.

Instead she made her way through the crumbling hallways, luckily avoiding any death eaters and placed Rose into one of the nearby classroom that was far away from the fighting in the court yard. She made a pile of blankets and laid Rose down, examining her close. She felt something when she had touched Rose, she wasn't sure what it was but keeping her here seemed like the safer option. Away from prying eyes.

Hermione, Ron and Harry didn't give themselves another moment to grieve, instead they had raced to find to snake. They just wanted to end this for all the people who died, everyone they had lost. They may have found the snake but they didn't found what they were truly looking for, which was the end the last horcrux. Instead, they had to watch the very thing they were hunting kill someone else. Snape. Hermione, Ron and Harry had never guessed they would be so saddened by the death of someone who was on the wrong side, someone who had taunted them for years. But, it didn't feel right it was like Snape turned into a completely different person in the last few moments before he took his last breath, leaving Harry with more questions. Snape had made Harry collect his tears, more answers lied ahead.

By the time they made their way back up to the castle the fighting had come to a holt. Death eaters were now no where to be seen, the courtyard completely empty. Harry, Ron and Hermione made their way into the great hall to see students being bandaged up, bodies scattered everywhere, teachers sitting aimlessly. Just when the trio thought they couldn't lose anything else the world came crashing down once more.

The sobs of the entire Weasley family could be heard throughout the great hall. Fred was on the floor but his body wasn't moving and his face was lifeless. George ran over to Ron and pulled him into a hug, his cries ripping through the ears of everyone in the hall. Ron and George crouched down, sobbing over Fred's body violently. Katherine stood over George, tears pooling from her eyes as she tried her best to comfort her boyfriend after losing his best friend. But she was unaware that she had hers.

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