Harry Potter Is Dead

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Narrators POV
A lot had happened while Draco sat alone in the isolated corridor. The Dark Lord believed he had won, he had finally managed to kill Harry Potter. After Harry discovered he was a horcrux there was nothing else to do. He was to be offered up like meat at a slaughterhouse, the exact way Dumbledore had intended it to be. Like a sheep in headlights he had gone to the forbidden forest and accepted the fate that had been already made for him.

But, The Dark Lord hadn't won and it wasn't over just yet courteously of Narcissa Malfoy.

A large crowd of Death Eaters marched their way to Hogwarts, Hagrid carrying Harry in his arms just like he had done all them years ago at Privet Drive. The crowd of Death Eaters had smug looks on their faces, their chests held high as they walked.

Draco felt his dark mark burn into his skin, a signal from The Dark Lord himself. He hesitated slightly not wanting to be anywhere other than in his own company, but the mark only burned harsher. His stomach dropped at the realisation that The Dark Lord could have won, that Rose's death could have been for nothing. That this all was for nothing. With the thought looming over his mind, Draco jumped to his feet, forcing down the rush of grief that tired to surface. Then, he made his way out into the courtyard.

Teachers and students all made their way out of the great hall and to the courtyard, the death eaters forming a long line facing Hogwarts. Hermione and Katherine walked down hand in hand not knowing whether their hearts could handle anymore. Katherine turned around to see Draco walk out along with the rest of the students, his eyes growing wide as soon as he spotted his parents. Draco tried to keep his eyes away from his mother or fathers gaze, he just wanted to stay on the right side for once. He didn't want to be one of them.

Fear radiated from every single person on the side of Hogwarts as they stared in the reptile like eyes of The Dark Lord. Many coming face to face with him for the very first time. Everyone was already bartered and bruised both psychically and emotionally, feeling like they would break down at any given second.

"HARRY POTTER IS DEAD" The Dark Lord laughed, gesturing to Harry held in Harry's arms.

Ginny raced forward screaming as soon as her eyes met Harry, Arthur only just being able to catch her and forcefully drag her back.

Hermione took her free hand and grasped onto Ron's, both looking at each other in complete disbelief. Rose, Fred, Remus, Tonks and now Harry all in one day. But, there were no tears left to be shed, everyone already felt numb. Even more so now seeing the one person who symbolised any hope come to an end. The hope dying along with Harry.

"Stupid girl" The Dark Lord continued "Harry Potter is dead...from this day forward you put your faith in me".

"Harry Potter is dead!" He cheered one more time, the rest of the death eaters cackling along with him.

"And now is the time to declare yourself, come forward and join us...or die".

The courtyard fell silent, everyone staring sternly at the death eaters to show how they would never, ever come over to their side. Draco kept his head down in the hope that his parents would leave him alone and would see he had clearly made his decision. But Draco's wishes were not granted.

"Draco!" Lucius shouted, his voice breaking off slightly.

But Draco didn't move, he still kept his head down.

"Draco!" Lucius tried again, his voice breaking even more the second time as he looked at his son with desperation.

But yet again Draco kept his head down.

"Draco" Narcissa called softly "Come".

Draco couldn't say no to his mother, he didn't want to move, he wanted to stay with the rest his fellow students but he couldn't leave his mother. He waited for a few moments, begging someone to try and stop him. If one person would just tell him no. But, no one did. No one was going to try and stop him because no one cared, so what choice did he have. Draco began to walk over to the wrong side, keeping his head straight down, unable to look at anyone. He was completely ashamed. To his discomfort The Dark Lord opened his arms up, brining Draco into a slight hug. This made Draco feel sick, his skin crawled and his anger burned.

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