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Day Twenty-Four

Michael's POV:

I made my decision. After talking to Eric, it was fairly clear who I wanted to be with.

This was my last chance to make it up to her. If I lost her, I don't know what I'd do.

I was going tell her what she'd been waiting so long to hear, and I was going to make it special.

I found myself standing idle in front of her bedroom door, too nervous to knock.

I forced myself to lift my fist and knock on the door. "Jewel?"


I opened the door and stepped inside her room. Even the way she looked at me was different. The glimmer and sparkle in her eyes every time she saw me had faded.

It killed me on the inside.

I walked over to her bed and sat down next to her. She looked at me, waiting for me to speak, but I suddenly forgot everything I was going to say.

"Is everything alright?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just wanted to to ask if you maybe wanted go out to eat today?"

Her eyes brightened up a little. "Another date?"

I smiled. "Yeah. I owe it to you."

She leaned into me a little. "So you've made your decision?"

I bit my lip. "I'd rather not say. I want to show you and let you be the judge.

Her lips curled into a small smile. "I guess we'll see then."


Jewel's POV:

Michael led me into the restaurant. The lady at the front showed us to our table and we both sat down.

If anything, this restaurant was the plainest we'd been too. There wasn't much to the decor. Just plain red walls with some gold trim.

It was more so quiet between us. Michael seemed a little nervous, but I wasn't sure what the exact reason was.

He was supposed to be showing me his decision rather than telling me. I had a good feeling about it, but for all I knew, he could've been showing his decision to be with Jessie by having her walk into the restaurant and kiss all over him.

Many thoughts raced through my mind regarding whether if I should even go through with the next week. I could just snatch my necklace off and plunge back into the sea to my death.

Every time I thought about doing it, the thought of Michael stopped me. For whatever reason, he wanted me to stay. If it were up to me, I'd stay with him forever, giving him as much time as he needed. But that wasn't the case at all.

The silence between us was starting to grow awkward. I decided to say something.

"I talked to Ms. Daphne while you were out yesterday." I said.

He chuckled. "Oh God. What did she say?" He asked.

"She told me about her grandfather and his mermaid love." I said.

He subtly rolled his eyes. "She told me that story before. Even she thinks it's crazy." He said.

I frowned. He took note of my dismay.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I just don't understand why believing in mermaids is so far fetched." I said. "You have to believe it, Michael."

He shook his head. "You're still holding up that mermaid joke?"

He'd never believe me. The two worlds would never mix.

Maybe he could never love a mermaid.

If that was the case, then I thought mermaids were fake too. Mythical creatures that were only figments of fairytale.

If it wasn't real to him, then it wasn't real to me either.

I sighed. "No, I was only kidding. I thought it'd be funny if I were to prank someone into thinking I was a mermaid. I thought it'd be fun."

He chuckled. "Yeah, that's what I figured. He said.

He paused for a short moment of thought. He cocked his brow at me, preparing to question me.

"Wait, so everything was a joke?" He asked.

"Everything?" I repeated.

"Everything! From you not knowing how to walk, not knowing how to do anything, all of that. Was it all a joke?"

I hesitated. "Yes..."

The look he gave me was one he'd never given me before. He looked upset. He looked disappointed.

But most of all, he looked hurt.

"That was one hell of a joke. All of this was an elaborate scam, huh?"

My eyes widened. "No! Of course I didn't-"

He looked away from me. "It was fun for you because you got to mooch off of someone. Someone who actually did care and wanted to help. I never questioned your quirkiness. I thought maybe you had some type of mental disorder, but I never would've thought it was a joke to use me." 

Mental disorder?

I shook my head. "No! I would never use you-"

He hushed me. "Listen, I think we should go. This isn't the place to do this." He said.

"Michael, please." I begged.

He gave me a weary look before getting up and walking toward the exit. I watched him walk away, as I was practically trembling.

What did I just do?


He didn't say a word to me the entire ride home, or once we got in the house.

He wouldn't even look at me.

I just messed up any possibility of us being together.

I was only going to pretend I was always a human. I had to come up with someway to play off all of the strange events that happened with me.

I had to pretend that I knew what a fridge was all along. I always knew about eggs. Forks were clearly for eating. I had to pretend I knew all of that, and it was just a big joke.

That obviously didn't go over well with him.

I got off of my bed and stared at myself in the reflective thingy- the mirror.

I looked a mess. I was so upset, I couldn't even look at myself.

I was so sick of crying. My eyes were red and puffy, along with the rest of my swollen face.

My eyes traveled down to the reflection of the necklace. That stupid necklace.


Fuck this thing! All it did was remind me of how I failed.

I fucking failed. I was going to die.

I grabbed the jewel in my hand. Maybe when Michael saw me dead on the floor with my tail, he'd believe me.

I tried to yank it off my neck and snap the chain, but it wouldn't budge. I was too weak from crying so hard.

I began to frantically look around for something to cut it with. There was nothing.

This stupid necklace was slowly suffocating me. I wanted it off.

At this particular point, I wanted to die. I enjoyed the time I got to spend with him, but great things aren't meant to last. I didn't want to feel the pain of this failure any longer.

It's a shame it had to end this way.

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