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Day Twenty-Nine~

Jewel's POV:

I could hear the sound of my heart inside of my chest. I'm sure anyone could who was within a mile radius could hear it as well.

I had been sitting in my room all day, to afraid to leave. The sun had already started to set.

Precious time is running, Jewel. You're literally wasting your life away. You need to get your ass up and go to him, god damnit!

Well, what the hell was I supposed to say to him? Was I supposed to convince him I was once mermaid?

As if he'd believe that. He already told me it was unbelievable.

He just had to understand that I never used him. I love him, and I told him that.

I don't know what other words to use.

I stared down at my legs that would either return to a tail tonight, or remain human. If this didn't work, I was snatching this necklace off.

It had to work. I wasn't going to go back to the ocean. I couldn't give up yet.

I still had a day.

I walked out of my room and knocked on Olivia's bedroom door.

"Liv!" I called.

She opened the door. "Hey, what's up?"

I took a deep breath. "I'm going to see Michael. I'll be right back."

She nodded. "I'm rooting for you, girl. Let me give you a ride." She offered.

I shook my head. "No, I need to walk. I need this time to clear my head." I said.

"Alright, I'll be here when you get back." She said.

She gave me a quick hug before I left. I took out my phone and put Michael's address into the GPS app on my phone while I was in the elevator.

I learned about GPS from Olivia. Thank God I did, because it came in handy.

It was a forty five minute walk. A walk that I was more than willing to take.

The things I'd do for this man.

I walked down many sidewalks, and crossed countless streets. I was almost hit by a car a few times.

"Look both ways before you cross the street, dingbat!" A man screamed at me from his car.

"You don't cross until your light is green, idiot! Learn the rules of the road!"

It's safe to say, I learned a lot about human street smarts during this walk.

I got into Michael's neighborhood. Everything started to look familiar, so I put my phone away. I could easily get to Michael's house without it.

I started nearing the corner to turn onto Michael's street. The only way to reach that corner was to pass Ms. Daphne's house.

I didn't think much of it. I assumed she'd be inside since it was dark out.

Well, I was wrong.

"Good evening, Jewel!" She called.

I took a deep breath and smiled at her. "Hey, Ms. Daphne."

"Come on up, sweetheart! Let me talk to ya!"

I frowned and shook my head. "I'm so sorry, but I can't. I'm in a hurry right now." I said.

"Well, where're you headed this late, darling?" She asked.

I sighed. "I'm going to see Michael. I need to talk to him."

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