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Day Thirty~

Jewel's POV:

"Michael! Are you really here? Is it really you?" I asked through my happy sobs. I touched his face to validate myself.

He, in fact, was real. I wasn't hallucinating, and I wasn't dead. He was right in front of me.

"How did you find me?" I asked.

He pointed to his ears and shook his head, signaling he couldn't hear me. He then pointed upward.

I nodded and we both started swimming up to the surface.

We both popped our heads out of the water. Eric and Olivia were in the boat with the most shocked look on their faces.

"Jewel?" They both marveled in unison.

I lifted my hand to wave wearily at them. "Hey guys." I said.

Eric looked as if he was going to faint. "Oh my god- mermaids are real!"

I lifted my fin out of the water. "We always were."

Michael lifted his goggles and took the thingy out of his mouth.

"Oh my God- Jewel! You have a tail- you were telling the truth." He said as it slowly resonated with him.

"Of course I was. It was never a joke."

"But- how?" He asked. "You were just a human!"

"I told you before. I went to the sea witch and asked her for legs. I just left out some other parts to make myself sound less crazy." I said.

He caressed my cheek. "Baby, tell me everything. No matter what you say, I'll believe you."

I sighed before I started to explain. "Under the sea, in my aquatic city, I was being forced into a marriage to someone I didn't love. On my wedding day, I swam to the surface to get my mind off of it. That was the day I saw you on the boat for the first time. I instantly fell in love, and I knew I had to be with you. I went to the sea witch and asked her for legs. She told me I had thirty days to get you to tell me you love me. If you did, I'd be with you forever. If I failed, I'd die at midnight on the thirtieth day." I paused as I choked back my tears. "Today marks thirty days."

He pulled me close to him. "Jewel, I love you." He said. He kissed me softly. "I'll tell you a thousand times. I love you."

I pushed him away. "I love you too Michael, but it's too late." I said as I began to cry.

"How? It's not midnight yet." He said.

"I took off the necklace and came back to the sea. I'm a mermaid again, so the time is up. Once midnight hits, I'm dead." I sobbed.

"Is that why you couldn't take off the necklace?" He asked.

I nodded. "It was the only thing that would keep me human until you told me you loved me. Or didn't..."

"Eric, hand me the necklace." Michael said, reaching out his hand.

Eric handed him the chain with the sparkling Jewel that reflected in the moonlight.


Michael placed it around my neck. "Is it working?" He asked. "Please, God. Make it work." He whispered.

I shook my head. "Once it came off, It was over. There's nothing we can do."

"There has to be something!" He said. "I'm
not going to lose you, Jewel!"

"I wish I could stay, but there's nothing we can do. Time has officially run out." I said.

Michael turned to Eric. "What time is it?" He asked.

Eric pulled out his phone to check the time. He cringed. "Eleven fifty-five."

He looked at me with pleading eyes and tucked my hair behind my ear. "Jewel, you're a treasure time won't steal away. I don't care what the clock says. We're together now, and that won't change. I love you too much to let you go. I'd marry you tomorrow."

"But we can't." I said with a shaky voice.

Sadness filled his eyes. "But we have to."

I buried my head in his neck and sobbed. "I'm sorry I did this to us. I should've stayed underwater and married Aaron. If I'd done that, we would've never fallen in love. This would've never happened. You wouldn't have to deal with my death. I'm so sorry." I whispered. "I just wanted to be a part of your world."

He was quiet for a moment.

"Jewel, look at me."

I slowly lifted my head and looked at him. I could see a few tears brimming his eyes.

"Jewel, you aren't just a part of my world, you are my world."

I started to cry even harder. "Really?" I sobbed.

He nodded. "From the moment I saw you."

He wiped the tears away from my eyes. "Baby, don't cry. We're doing to figure this out." He said. "Take me to that sea witch. I'm not going to lose you!"

"Michael, we-"

My chest tightened before I could finish. It was happening.


I looked down at my necklace.


"Oh, Neptune." I choked out.

Michael's eyes flashed with fear. "Jewel? Jewel!" He yelled.

I felt my body become heavier and heavier. I could no longer move. I felt like dead weight.

I couldn't breathe either. The feelings of water and air filling my lungs burned in my chest as if I swallowed fire.

All sound was muffled. Michael's voice calling out to me were only hushed whispers.

I could no longer feel his body against me. I felt numb.

The last thing to go was my sight. I took a small glance at Michael in my blackening. The look on his beautiful face was so distressed as it called out for me.

There was truly nothing I could do. I couldn't fight it anymore. Before I knew it, everything had gone black.

Michael's POV:

"Jewel!" I cried as I shook her lifeless body in my arms.

My tears fell onto her face. "Please, wake up. I love you."

"Is- is she dead?" Olivia asked.

I sniffed. "She's gone." I whispered. "I lost her again."

I brought my lips to her cold, dead, but beautiful lips. I kissed them repeatedly while saying I loved her. She had to wake up.

She had to.

"Jewel, please." I sobbed. "I'm sorry, please don't go."

I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead against hers as I continued to cry.

Not too far off in the distance, I heard the sound of a mans voice. I lifted my head and looked around to find where it came from.

"Not my daughter!"

Part Of His World {MJ}Where stories live. Discover now