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Walking to the hall with Hyelni and S
haron, my brain kept on analysing the situation and showing me ways I'd have handled the whole situation better,I felt lousy and sad at the same time, to make things worse the boys were walking behind and snickering, they were saying stuff like Muhammad Ali loud enough for me to hear,I even distinctly heard village champion,I was mortified so I tried to walk a bit faster.
I didn't hear what Sharon was trying to tell me till she stopped me and shook me, stop overthinking everything, it'll be okay.
I nodded and managed to go through dining without saying anything to anybody or slapping any other person, on my way back to class with Hyelni, Lydia walked to me and said you don't know who you're messing with.i have to admit it was eerie and scary,so scary that I just gulped down and continued my journey to class.
Some dummy reported me to the form teacher and he called us in.he seemed playful at that moment because he was taunting Lydia and I, and calling us " the Bella twins" and world class fighters and others,after what seemed like a long session of counselling, he asked me to apologise to Lydia and I did again!,he asked her to apologise to me and she was to reluctant, so I told him I didn't need the apology, he decided to let us go with a light warning which was to sweep the classes that day as opposed to being flogged on the assembly ground for apparently fighting.
I didn't like the light warning at all but I sucked it up and got ready to sweep. I noticed later that Lydia had sent junior students to empty dust bins in the class I was meant to sweep,I looked in awe as child after child emptied a bin and my class was looking like a dump site.i began to laugh loudly and asked them who sent them. They looked guiltily shuffling from one feet to another before one of them whispered "senior Lydia " I laughed gently and told them to pick up everything they just emptied, they did and I swept the class as fast as i could, but that was pretty slow since i had to move the lockers all by myself, that was so frustrating and tiring but when I was finally done, I came out of the class humming to myself when somebody walked in front of me and startled me.
Shit, why did you do that, you scared me!
He smiled and picked at a lint on my hair and said "sorry, thank God you didn't punch me though".
Ughhh that was a mistake I don't usually do that, I'm tired of hearing punch jokes,and it's all YOUR fault baldy!!
I know,I know that's why I waited to apologise, Wait! You saw me heaving and struggling to move the lockers and clean but you didn't help?
"Well yeahh, I don't like labour, that's for slaves and underlings"
Wait what, you're such a narcissist, or something that has to do with people that are proud, "I think that's called egoism" he said.
I sighed, rolled my eyes and said apology not accepted, move please!
"I said I'm sorry, what do you want from me, because I honestly was tired of the conversation but Lydia didn't want to leave and you were a welcome distraction, but I didn't know you were going to go ape on her" . He seemed a bit flustered, but I have to admit he looked cute, with the beads of sweat around his forehead, and his little beady eyes and the lines starting to form on his head.
I looked at him, stared a little bit I guess, still no! I already seem like flake ,a confused, nervous flake and it's now worse because everybody now thinks I'm emotionally unstable because of your psycho girlfriend who I'm sure is getting ready to ruin my life.
She's not my girlfriend!

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