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Tell him I'm busy I said, and told her to leave me alone,I assumed it was Williams with some of his comments and I really didn't need them now, so would you pay for my stuff and I'll pay for yours, I asked , no she replied, ughhh why are you like this, I've known you three days and apart from the stream of curses you've sent my way, the only thing you've said is no, there are more words in the dictionary if that's all you know, she glared at me and said if I somehow agree to pay for your shoe,how much would you say it is, eight thousand I replied, I didn't know how much it was but I knew my mum and she chose quality over anything else, I was secretly glad she ruined the shoes because they were absolutely horrific and in true Italian fashion, they would live long, she snorted and said I was lying because nobody would buy a sandal for school for that amount, I looked at her and told her okay so she'd stay with her stuff and we'd call it even,I knew I was cheating myself but the girl had the audacity to tell me she'd think about it,I stared for a while before i told her whatever as long as she doesn't come anywhere near me again, I turned around and started to walk to my room, i saw the junior girl that interrupted me earlier and i started to feel pity for those in junior classes, they were basically the slaves of the school and it would be that way till the reached the senior class, i saw her pick up her pace and run towards me,when she met up she heaves before she said,senior Christopher said he is giving you ten counts to reach where he is.
Wait what,I don't understand I said,he was the one that sent me to call you earlier,I thought you knew, my mouth dropped open before I asked what class he was in, ss3 she said,ahhh I cried out, you this girl, why didn't you say so earlier! Come and show me who he is .
We ran as fast as we could and entered in to the dining hall,she searched for a while before she found the Christopher guy, I didn't know what I expected him to look like but he was certainly not what I'd have ever pictured in my mind.
He was lanky in a weird way in my minds eye he liked like Dobby from Harry Potter,he had large eyes and a head too big for his neck and he had a leering look.kneel down there he said,huh was the first thing that came to mind,kneel down, so I sent for you and you sent back that you'll not come are you mad?
Honestly I didn't know it was you,I don't even know you!I replied, she just told me a senior,I assumed it was one of my mates that's why I told her to tell you I was busy. He stared for a while, before he told me to stand up, all the while I was wondering why he called me, he seemed like his class reject, like his mate girls didn't want him so he thought he'd have a shot with the juniors, especially the new ones, he didn't know I really wasn't interested I'd rather mop an ocean before I'd agree to date him,I don't even know why I was already assuming he wanted to date me, maybe cause of his leering looks, he stared again and said slowly, I've heard a lot about you, ohh from where, he smiled a ghoulish smile, doesn't matter, aren't you glad you got called by a senior, I said yes senior, cause I thought it'd irritate him but no, he trudged on like the ghost soldier he is, started asking questions about me, what I like and everything else, and he volunteered stuff about himself as I wasn't really interested, I saw him start to come closer and I didn't want that so I stepped back, are you scared of me he asked, no senior, I just really like my personal space, lots of it, he laughed and asked me if I liked him, hell no was what I thought, but I responded I dunno, I was trying to be respectful because it was a big deal around here.
He stopped for a bit looked around and stepped closer to me and tried to kiss me, I was quick enough to bend down just in time, and go round him, how dare you I asked him, around that time senior Kemi was passing by with her friends, and i guess she saw the whole thing and she came to my rescue, she came and asked him, what do you think you're doing Christopher, get out of here Kemi, it's none of your business, it is my business because she's in my hostel and you're harassing her, you know you could get suspended if I report you so better stop your macho attitude and apologise to her, he seemed to measure her for a bit, staring at her from up to down before he carelessly said sorry, it sounded like a thrown rag, I knew he wasn't sorry and I was already scared for my self, he went through our middle and whispered to me, I'll see you again.
By then I was already on the verge of crying, I kept on thanking senior Kemi as we walked back to the hostel with her friends, don't worry they all told me, we know how to handle him.

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