Chapter 28

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That was magical... I can close my eyes and feel her all over again. How tight she was, how deep I went, her face during the whole thing...

Right now, I'm changing into my mission suit. I'm taking Dewey with me. I want to keep an eye on him, make sure he won't try to change me being Rookie's trainer. If he does, and I'm not Rookie's coach, then I wouldn't have any excuse to go see her; I can't live with that. 

I take my bag and walk out my door, heading to Area 59. 

I can't wait to see Little Matt's reaction when he figures out I fucked his sister. He's gonna be sooo mad, he'll be on a killing spree.

I don't know why I hate him so much... I should be helping him out... give him tips and such.

Theo told me he had to kill his own dad. Even I didn't have to do that... but that's Theo's way of getting in the head of that family. Theo's starting a family feud. 

The Ducknall's and Quackson's, fighting for the ages! 

Shit, that's actually got a good ring to it... 

Me and Rookie could be Romeo and Juliet! The lovers from feuding families! I think... I never paied attention when me and Emma were watching it..


How I wish you were still here...

Believe me, mom DID love you, Dad DID love you. I love you... 

If only you could come back... life would be so much greater, lil sis...


Ahh... Sex.

A man's best friend. 

After Matt and I left the mountain, I let him go back and cry to his sister. Then I texted Liam to rape Zehra, and I went and had fun with Athena! 

Now Louie's trying to get his family to help him find Agent 22. 

Everything is falling into place...

I go into the torture chamber, holding my knife.

Hurting Athena physically and mentally is the only way she'll turn into her assassin mode. Killing S.H.U.S.H agents is what I'm supposed to do, but why not let Athena do it? She won't even remember it!

Perfect plan! 

Liam already broke Zehra, but wouldn't stop talking about how "amazing" it was. He always tried to get me jealous, but it never worked. I have Athena. He can fuck Zehra all he wants, I don't care. 

Let's just hope the McDuck boys don't find a way to take them back.


Once Athena is in her killing mode, she can't come back unless it's been 24 hours, or she's being held in one place for a long time (which would be hard, since she'd kill the person holding her captive).

"Ahh, my little Athena." I say, rubbing the cheek of the sleeping Athena. We put her in the torture chamber last night, she fell asleep... 

She jumps at my touch and tries to back away, but I grab her arm, preventing her from moving.

" Now, now." I say, waving my knife in front of her. "I wouldn't go making a scene." I tell her and jerk my thumb behind me.

Her eyes widen as she follows it.

Dad; Bradford, and Athena's step-mom were practically sitting in front row sets, and I wasn't about to have Athena ruin what I have worked so hard for.

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