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I wake up to the sound of my alarm and I just want to throw it across the room then I pull my self out of bed and then I get up and I go to the bathroom and I come out and relies that

I am moving and it's my last day in this house and at my school.
I go to my closet and look to see what I should wear I grab white skinny jeans and black combat boots purple and teal obey sweater . I grab my iPhone 6 plus and my car keys and left.

It took me about 10 minutes to get there I park my car and get out and my best friend Miranda come up to me "hi Ana" she says sadly.

We both go to are lockers and get are stuff and walk to class. My first period was social studies and I didn't want to go , but Miranda begged me too. I walk in and go sit in my seat and waited for my teacher to walk in. Mr.Anderson walks in and says "it's my last day here I will be going to a school in California". I raise my hand , realizing I'm going to California as well.

"Yes , Ms.Masterson " he says firmly.

"I'm going to California as well!" I exclaim , full of happiness. He nods and walks towards me. "I hope we're both going Sacramento , it'd be lovely to have somebody from home" I nod at his words. He smiles and goes back to the class.

After my 5th hour class I go to my locker and put my stuff in my locker, Miranda comes from behind me and hugs me really tight I got scared
I said "let me go" as I'm laughing
Miranda said "I'm not gonna let you leave me your like the only person who listens to me when I need it the most ".
A tear drops for my face as she's hugging me, I try so hard not to break down and cry .
Miranda says "Let's go to lunch now". We walk down the hall way and all you see is groups of people and high pitched giggles,boys talking about how hot a girl is compare to a different girl . Miranda and I are sitting down and eating while talking.
Miranda says "do you think your gonna fit in at your new school"?
I say "I don't know".
Miranda says "are we gonna still talk"?
I say "yea why do you not think we're not gonna talk anymore"?
Miranda says sadly "because what if you find better friends than me",as a tear falls slowly down her cheek
I stand up and hug her , "everything is going to be okay ", as I wipe her tears.
We started walking up stairs we have 6th hour together so she comes to my locker and gets her stuff out of there.
Miranda says "your locker is empty".
I say "I know,I cleaned it out last week".
We skip to 9th hour the last hour of the day Miranda and I go to my locker to got all my stuff out I only had 5 notes book and my back pack. As we walk out side of the school we start to talk about how we thinks it gonna be for me in California.
Miranda says "I'm really gonna miss you".
I say "me too and can we stop talking about it, it's making me feel sick. Then my mom and dad pull up.
Mom says "Are you ready"?
I say "yes", as I pull on the door handle and open the door, Miranda starts to cry as I get into the car.
I role down the window.she gives me one last hug and says she love me. My eyes start to water, my dad drives off I look back and see her waving goodbye as she wipes her tears .

"Now on to my new life". I say to my mom and dad
Mom says "relax Ana you'll be fine ".
I say to my mom "we live in Bell,Wisconsin,going to California,Sacramento I don't think I'm gonna fit I'm there ".
Mom says "hun relax, things change a lot you just need to get out of your comfort zone ".
My dad says" Ana what your mom is trying to say is, don't be scared to try new things".
I say to my dad " thanks pops". As we pull up to the drive way to our house,there 3 large moving trucks there.
I say to my dad "when's our plane flight"? As he replies "5:30". I say to my dad "you know it 4:15 right"? He's says "let's go get you suit case and get marly"!
I run up the stairs to get my suit case as I gave it I'm calling Marly's name he barks and I put him on his leach and we run down the stairs we get into the car and drive to the airport I thought we were gonna hit traffic but today must of been our lucky day.
I'm ready to start my new life.

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