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Y/n awoke to an unexpected warmth wrapped around her body. She opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings. She found herself pressed into someone's chest, with their arms wrapped tightly around her waist. She looked up slightly and remembered where she was. 'That's right, I slept over at Tommy's house....' She had looked up to find Tommy's face, sleeping peacefully. She smiled at his calm expression, his lips parted slightly as he breathed in and out. 'It's kinda cute.....' She thought. She shook the thought from her mind as she remembered that they didn't really know each other.

She then felt him stir and his hands gripped her body tighter. She then realized the position she was in with him. She became hyper conscious of every part of his body that was touching her. His arms were snaked around her whole body, his hands resting on her waist. Legs entangled with each other's, bodies pressed close together. Her face became hot as she blushed. Y/n breathed deeply and calmed herself down. 'Just go back to sleep and pretend this never happened...' she closed her eyes and drifted back into welcoming darkness.

Tommy cracked his eyes open as sun streamed in through the window, illuminating his room. Warm light creating a calm scene to wake up to. He looked down and found Y/n's face nuzzled into his chest. He immediately blushed and felt his whole body become hot. He carefully untangled their limbs and he slowly moved to get out of the bed. "Phew..." He said to himself. He quietly left his room and walked downstairs to find his mum making breakfast.

"Morning mum." Tommy said as walked into the kitchen. His mom smiled, "I trust you guys had fun last night?" she said as she flipped bacon on a pan. Tommy reddened as he thought to the girl still asleep in his bed. "Yeah we hung out for a bit and then we went to sleep up in my room." His mom turned and gave him a look. But it wasn't a look of disbelief. "I have a suspicion and I'm going to laugh if it comes true." Tommy shook his head at his mother and sat on a barstool.

"Mum you say this anytime something new happens and what you think is gonna happen, never does. Why is this one any different?" His mom scoffed, "I heard you two on the roof last night. And your tone of voice gives away much more than you realize Tom." She turned her attention back to the food and began humming.

Y/n woke back up to an empty bed. "Thank goodness..." She mumbled to herself. She slowly sat up and stretched her body. She stood from the bed and made her way to the bathroom. Her hair was a mess. She quickly combed through it with her fingers and made it look relatively nice, before going downstairs.

"Goodmorning all." Y/n said as she stepped into the kitchen. She saw a slightly red Tommy and his mum sitting at the counter. "Morning Y/n. How'd you sleep love?" his mom said with a smile. Y/n smiled back and sat next to Tommy. Ignoring a bubbling feeling as she did so. "I slept just wonderfully thank you." She looked delighted as Mrs. Simons placed a plate of eggs and bacon in front of her with a fork. "Made it just a minute ago, still hot." Y/n smiled and picked up her fork. "Thank you, it smells scrumptious." She began eating as Mrs. Simons began listing the tasks of the day.

Tommy felt his stomach do flips the longer he sat next to Y/n. 'I'm already fucked aren't I?' he thought to himself. He tuned in to his mom as she listed what was happening that day. "We do have to go to the store today, if you two would like to accompany me." She said. Y/n nodded, "I would love to, seeing as I have no idea when my parents are gonna be home." Tommy nodded as well. "I mean I have nothing to do today, and I don't plan on streaming." Mrs. Simons smiled and stood. "Perfect. I'm going to get dressed and then we can head out, yeah?" The two teens nodded and stood as well, heading back to Tommy's room.

Y/n headed to the bathroom with her clothes as Tommy got dressed. "Oh boy....... I'm not gonna even deny this one. I've already got a crush don't I?" She said to herself as she closed and locked the bathroom door. She set her clothes on the counter and rubbed face with her hands. She thought about how tight his grip had been, almost protective. She blushed and shook her head. "It was probably just instinct. It didn't mean anything." She quickly stripped off her pj's and got dressed. A pair of black jeans and a red cropped sweater. She took a deep breath and stepped out of the bathroom. She saw Tommy step out of his room, his hair still a mess from sleeping. His eyes a bright blue. She glanced down at her phone as she found herself staring a bit. She had a text from her mum.

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