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Y/n awoke to Tommy's firm hold still around her. She allowed herself to relish in the moment before somebody woke up. She looked up to see him fast asleep. His face was relaxed and his features were soft. His lips slightly parted as soft breathes released. She tightened her own grip around him, making sure it wasn't a dream. She recalled the events of last night and blushed. They kissed. She wanted to squeal and bury her face, but that would wake Tommy up. So she had to restrain her self.

She kept her gaze on Tommy, completely focusing on the boy in front of her. His hair had fallen slightly into his face. Y/n went to brush it out of the way and accidently hit his nose. He stirred, his eyes starting to blink lightly. She watched as he opened his eyes fully, the blueness of them making her smile a little. "Goodmorning...." She whispered. He grinned as he leaned down and nuzzled into her neck. "Morning." He said, his voice slightly hoarse from sleep.

She giggled as he kissed her neck a few times, tickling the sensitive skin. "Tommy... stop..." She laughed as he continued to kiss up towards her face. Finally arriving to her lips, he paused and looked into her eyes. "I love you." He said, slightly hovering over her. She giggled and brushed a strand of hair out of his face that had come astray. "I love you too." Y/n said, eyes fixated on his. Tommy leaned down and planted a kiss on her lips. She felt him place his hands on her back, pulling her slightly up towards him. She giggled as the rest of her body was limp and bended around his arms.

Y/n sat up with him holding her close. They smiled widely at each other before getting up out of the bed. Niki and Wilbur were still very asleep, so they silently got dressed and made their way to the lobby. The breakfast was set up, so they went and got food. Y/n quickly texted Wilbur where they'd gone, just in case. They sat at a little table near a window chatting while they ate.

"Is this where you thought we'd end up when we met again?" Y/n asked as they finished up their food. Tommy thought for a moment. "Well, I'm not sure. I knew that I was gonna fall in love with you whether I liked it or not. But I wouldn't have thought you'd return the feeling." Y/n smiled, "Well, I for sure didn't know. I knew we were gonna be best friends just based on interest. Looking back, I probably didn't even realize I had feelings for you until right before the trip."

They stood and threw away their plates. Tommy grasped her hand as they walked back down the halls. "Well, one thing for certain is that I'm never letting you go." He said. Y/n dropped his hand as he went to open the door. He gave her an understanding look as they walked in. Niki and Wilbur awake and getting ready for the day.

"Ah, they're back. Told you they'd be ok." Niki said, giving Wil a look. Wilbur rolled his eyes and smiled at the two teens. "Morning guys." He said. Y/n flopped backwards onto the bed, sinking into the soft blankets. "What are we doing today?" Tommy asked. Niki pulled up her phone, "Nick said we'd figure it out once we're all ready." Tommy rolled his eyes as he sat next to Y/n on the bed. "You'd think they would have planned this trip better seeing as it was their idea." He whispered to her, causing her to giggle.

Eventually the group assembled in the lobby talking about plans. Clay and George were talking about a big mall that was downtown a bit. Nick suggested the roller rink nearby, While Wil and Niki were suggesting the trampoline park. Tommy and Y/n had no idea what was in the town, so they waited for everyone's suggestions to decide.

Nick got everyone's attention, "Guys. Ok. How about today, we go to the mall? Tomorrow we go to the roller rink and then the beach. Then last day we go to the trampoline place and then the park for a picnic? Sound good?" Everyone agreed and they went outside to the car. They were all excited to see what stores were there, and all the things they could get. Y/n practically bouncing in her seat as they pulled into the parking lot.

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