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*For the song later that the reader sings, look up "Soldier Boy by John Rutter" on YouTube! It's an actual song my mom used to sing to me and my siblings, with some vocal and lyrical adjustments and she had slowed it down. But it is a lovely song and it took me, I kid you not YEARS, to find the music for it because I didn't know the artist*

Y/n woke one day feeling very good. She had a very good feeling about that day. Her step had an extra skip and her voice was calm and happy. She had gone to her college very motivated and went home feeling good about herself. She walked in the door to find Tommy sitting on her couch. "Uhhhhh. Hello..... how did you get in?" She asked as she set her things down. Tommy smiled, "Your mom told me where the spare key was. And I need to ask you something." Y/n walked over to her fridge and pulled out a can of coke and a bottle of water. She walked over and handed the coke to Tommy, then opened the water for herself.

"Ok, what is it you need to ask that you decided to wait in my house for me to come home?" Tommy smiled as Y/n sat down next to him. He pulled out his phone and pulled up a text conversation. He handed her his phone and started talking. "I know your not really close with everyone yet, but Wilbur has invited you to come along with us to our next meetup with a couple people. He thought it would be better if I ask you seeing as I'm your neighbor and friend-" Y/n cut him off. "Best friend." Tommy shook his head and smiled. "Beside the point. We are flying to America to see Sapnap and possibly Dream. Depending on his schedule for when we want to go." Y/n had handed Tommy back his phone and was smiling profusely. "Of course I want to go, we just need to ask my parents if I can go. Which is probably gonna be yes seeing as my grades are fantastic."

Tommy punched the air in victory, "Fuck yeah! This is gonna be awesome." Y/n giggled and laid down on her couch. Closing her eyes as she relaxed. "Aww, I wanna lay down too.." Tommy said. Y/n looked up to see him half pouting, his legs were too long to fit on the other couch and Y/n was taking up the rest of the room. Y/n thought for a moment. "C'mere." She said raising her arms. Tommy looked confused until he realized what she meant. "You're ok with me laying on you?" He asked fiddling with his thumbs. Y/n scoffed, "Of course I am, get over here dummy." She made grabby hands at him as he lowered himself onto her torso. His head resting on her abdomen.

Tommy tensed for a moment when he felt a hand on his head, but he quickly relaxed as Y/n started playing with his hair. Her fingertips gently massaging his scalp. He breathed deeply, allowing himself to sink into her touch. "Well your just a big baby aren't you?" Y/n asked as he wrapped his arms around her. Tommy hummed as she kept caressing his head. "Yeah. The biggest baby.... you are the only allowed to do this." Y/n giggled softly. "Yeah? And why's that?" Y/n asked, fingers gently combing his blond locks. Tommy grumbled, "I don't like it when people touch my hair. It feels weird." He spoke softly, feeling himself grow tired.

"Well, lucky me then. Cause your hair is soft as fuck. It feels like a cloud..." Y/n said, twirling a strand of Tommy's hair around her finger. Tommy sighed as she kept running her hand through his hair. She began singing softly, a song her mum used to sing to her as a child. "Soldier boy, soldier boy. Where are you running to?" Her voice was welcoming and warm, making Tommy grow even more drowsy. "Soldier boy, soldier boy. In your coat, so fine?" Tommy felt her chest expand as she took a breath after each line. "I am riding off to war, where the mighty cannons roar. Where the golden bugles cry, 'Oh lady fair, be mine'."

Y/n smiled down at the boy slowly falling asleep in her arms. The bubbly feeling returning as his hold around her waist tightened. The feeling grew the longer they laid there, but she welcomed it. "Soldier boy, soldier boy. When will you come again? Soldier boy, soldier boy. In your coat so fine?" Tommy sighed as he listened, the same feeling entering his stomach as her hand trailed from his hair to between his shoulder blades, tracing small circles into his back. "When the leaves turn green again, when the lilacs bloom again. When there is an end to war..... I will return, once more..."

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