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Y/n was giddy as she logged onto her computer. Tommy wanted to introduce her to his online friends. After making quite a few Instagram posts with Tommy, all of her platforms gained a massive amount of followers. She already had quite a following, over 500K but it skyrocketed to close to one million. Including her twitch, which is kinda where she got noticed by the people Tommy played with all the time. She was surprised she had gotten so many followers and new subscribers as she really only streamed two times a week. When she stayed on her schedule. Every Tuesday and Thursday was the target days, usually around 7 pm. But she'd been lazy recently and would end up streaming at 9, or even the next day.

Her chat freaked out as she opened up her Minecraft and clicked into her server list. Sitting at the top was a server with a grey picture. Titled: Dream SMP. She grinned as her chat flipped their shit. Over the last month or two, she'd stream with Tommy playing Hypixel or just messing around on their own worlds. But she'd gotten noticed by some big people and got whitelisted onto the Dream SMP. A dream come true. And today was the day she'd officially meet everyone. She talked to her chat as she sat idle in the menu. telling them about how she'd gotten a message from Dream. "He asked me if I wanted to join the server. And of course I said FUCK YEAH! So he invited me yesterday and I've yet to go into it. I think the only left to do is accept the invite to the discord and i'll be all set." Y/n turned to her second monitor and saw a dm from dream over discord. "And there it is chat, TO THE DREAM SMP WE GO!" She giggled as she opened up the server, seeing many people in VC 1. Y/n clicked into the SMP, seeing her own bubble pop in the chat.

The_Real_Y/n has joined the game

She presses tab to see who all was on, and she immediately sees Tommy. She looks down to see him type:

Tommyinnit: Y/N!!!!!!

Tommyinnit: VC 2

Tommyinnit: VC 2

Y/n laughs and gives her webcam a look, she clicks into VC 2 where Tommy was with a couple other people. She heard a lot of taking over each other as the sound filled her ears.

"Hello?" Y/n says. The channel goes silent for a second.

"Y/N! BIG WOMANNNNN." Tommy said in a loud raspy voice.

Y/n giggles and glances out her window to where she can see Tommy at his own set up. She can't see his face, but she could see his hair poking above the screens.

"Tommy, I'm pretty sure I heard you from my room." Y/n says, letting out a laugh. She listened as other people began to speak.

"Hi Y/n, I'm Wilbur. It's nice to meet you." A kind calm voice said. Y/n beamed at her camera and let chat know how happy she was.

"Hi Wilbur! It's very nice to meet you too. I've been waiting a long time for this day."

Wilbur laughed and made a comment about how everyone was like that on the first day on the SMP.

"Well Y/n, I'm Tubbo. And let's just say that Tommy has told us quite a bit about you, We've been very excited to meet you." Another voice said, it was cheerful and peppy. Y/n was bouncing with happiness at this point. "Ahhhhh! Hi Tubbo!!! Tommy's told me a lot about you guys as well. It's been torture waiting." Y/n had made her way out of spawn after talking with the three for a second. She walked forward as the great L'manberg came into view. Looking much different rendered on her own PC. Tommy had found her on the prime path, leading her towards the houses.

"POGCHAMP! Get those primes Y/n!" Tommy yelled Making Y/n laugh. He gave her a tour, making remarks and jokes about the buildings and other people on the server. "And this is my little house." He said as they reached a little alcove built into the side of the hill. Y/n was grinning ear to ear the entire time, still in disbelief that she was on the Dream SMP. "It's actually quite lovely, I love the accent blocks." She says as she roams about Tommy's house. "Don't get too comfortable woman. I could get you banned as quickly as you got onto the server." Tommy said in a mock menacing tone. Y/n laughed as she stepped out of his home. "As if Dream would take orders from a child!" Tommy gasps in mock hurt. "OOOhhhhh she's got you there Tommy." Wilbur said, Tubbo humming in agreement. Tommy sputtered out sounds. "I'M OLDER THAN YOU. Shit wait." He paused and gasped loudly. "I'M NOT THE YOUNGEST ANYMORE!! WHOOOOOO!" Tommy was practically screaming into his mic.

Y/n winced as he continued whooping loudly into the mic. "Tommy seriously, shut the fuck up." Y/n says as she punches him in the game. Making him turn and punch her back.Y/n smiles at her camera mischievously. "Don't make me come over there Tommy." She says in a menacing voice. Tommy laughs, "You won't." Y/n raises her brows and takes off her headset. Chat speeding up as they watched her walk out of her room and out of frame.

Moments later she came into Tommy's frame behind him. "Bet bitch boy." She said, startling him. "Y/n what the fuck! Did you leave your stream over there?" He asked as he turned around. She shrugs and whacks him on the head, earning a yell. She quickly bolts back out the door and is back to her own frame within seconds. "And that's how you intimidate chat." Y/n says as she slips her headset back on. They were freaking out. 'You live that close to Tommy?' 'Wow she's neighbors with Tommyinnit. POG' Y/n smiles and says, "Yes i am indeed Tommy's neighbor chat. And he's an annoying little shit sometimes." "HEY!" He yells.

After some more bickering and joking around, Y/n ends her stream, as does Tommy. Y/n raids Tubbo while Tommy raided Wilbur. Tubbo and Wilbur had left the call after meeting Y/n and were off doing their own bit. "Well that was fun." Y/n said after they'd turned their streams off. Tommy sighed. "Yeah. They really liked you, you know? Tubbo and Wilbur." Y/n beamed at the comment. "I am very happy to hear that."

You both chat for a minute and then get off. Both feeling more giddy than usual from the interaction.


THREE CHAPTERS IN ONE NIGHT BABYYYYYY. It's now 2:20 am and i am forcing myself to stop and go to sleep. I will probably do this again tomorrow, but thats a problem for future me. HOWEVER. Thank you so much for reading, hope you enjoyed the chapter and stay tuned for more!


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