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Y/n grumbled as she felt sunlight stream onto her face. Unenticing as she cracked open her eyes. Wilbur and Niki were sitting on their bed, talking quietly, sounded like it was about the plans for today. Y/n went to get up, but found her body restricted by the blond sleeping soundly behind her. She struggled as she pried his arms off of her waist, careful as to not wake him up. Niki looked over and saw her getting up. "Anything to tell us Y/n?" She said, glancing at Tommy. Y/n looked at her confused, "What are you talking about? We sleep next to each other all the time and this happens quite a bit." Niki seemed surprised that Y/n was confused, "But you..... didn't...? I swear I saw...." Y/n laughed and shook her head. "I think you're seeing things Niki.. I'm going to go get dressed."

Niki stared bewildered at Y/n as she left the room. Niki turned wildly to Wilbur, "I swear I saw it. I'm not lying." Wilbur chuckled as she muttered. "I believe you Niki. I guess they were too tired to remember.. That's very possible." They quieted as Tommy stirred and slowly woke up. "Morning Tommy." Wilbur said as the blond looked around. "Where...?" Niki giggled as he referred to Y/n. "She's changing in the bathroom, don't worry." Tommy rubbed his face and stood up, stretching out his body. "I feel like today is gonna be a good day." He said, turning and smiling to the two. Wilbur and Niki glanced at each other with knowing looks. Today was not going to be normal.

After everyone was dressed, they met up in the hotel lobby. Clay and Nick were talking about the water park nearby, while the other three adults conversed about vlogging. Tommy and Y/n stood off to the side, awaiting for instruction on what to do. "Yo, children. We're going." Clay said as the went to leave. Y/n linked her arm with Tommy's as they walked out. "Where are we going?" She said as they left the hotel. Nick glanced back at them. "Well, to eat breakfast first, then we'll come back here, then to the water park nearby." Tommy fist pumped the air as they walked down the sidewalks of the town they stopped in.

They walked into a diner, it was cozy and mostly empty. They sat at one big table, three on one side, four on the other. "So, we're going to the water park after breakfast. Then maybe the mall and shop around a bit?" Clay said, addressing the whole table. Wilbur and Niki seemed excited, George and Nick seemed like children about to go into an 'all you can eat' candy shop. Tommy glanced at Y/n and found her staring at him. "Y/n..?" He whispered. She snapped out of her thoughts and apologized, blushing profusely. Tommy smiled and giggled, "I don't mind."

After eating a quick breakfast, the group made their way back to the hotel to change. Y/n picked out one of her favorite swimsuits and quickly left to the bathroom to change. Tommy waited patiently for her to exit, and he blushed when she did. He felt like he needed to avert his eyes away when she came out of the bathroom. She was stunning, and the style fit her very well. Tommy quickly ran into the bathroom after she was fully out, shutting and locking it behind him. Taking a deep breath, he changed into his shorts and stepped out.

Y/n was sitting on their bed, her feet dangling off the edge. She'd slipped a pair of shorts and a crop top over her suit. "Ready?" She asked as she turned to him. Tommy nodded as he grabbed a sweatshirt from his bag. "Let's go then, everyone is waiting out in the hall." Y/n grabbed him by the hand and led them out the door. Everyone was chatting and standing about as they waited. "Alright we're ready lets go." Tommy said as they appeared in the hallway.

The group got more excited as they stepped out of the hotel again. Everyone's voices raising as they got closer to the entrance. Y/n's eyes widened as they came up to it, the tallest ride towering above them as they walked through. Clay and Nick already shoving each other towards the more dangerous looking rides. "Guys, c'mon. Knock it off, you might get us in trouble." Niki said as one of them tripped and almost fell. "Yeah we just got here, don't start now." George said facepalming.

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