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Today was the day, Y/n had two bags sitting by the front door. She was nervous. She hadn't met anyone on the SMP other than Tommy obviously. Tommy was supposed to come over to wait, but it was nine already and he hadn't come over. "Calm down sweets, you'll give yourself a headache." Her dad said, rubbing her shoulders comfortingly. Y/n sighed but she jerked her head up when a knock sounded. Y/n stood and practically ran to the door, opening it quickly, she found Tommy standing there with his own bags. "Finally you were taking forever!" Y/n said widening the open door so Tommy could come in. Tommy laughed as he set his bags next to hers. "Wilbur should be here any minute, then we pick up Tubbo and George. And then to the airport." Y/n squealed excitedly. "Ahhh! I'm so excited!!!" She exclaims, practically bouncing from where she was standing.

They sat and chatted about the plans while they waited for Wilbur. They were just about to call him when a loud honk came from outside. "That must be him." Tommy said speeding to the door. He opened up the door and a grey SUV was waiting in the driveway. He grabbed his bags and motioned excitedly for Y/n to follow. "I'm coming! Jeez..." Y/n said as she rushed to the door to grab her own bags.

She followed Tommy out to the car, watching none other than Wilbur Soot step out of the car. "Tommy! Y/n!" He called out. He went and popped open the trunk letting the two put their bags in. They exchanged hugs and pleasantries before getting on the road. Sitting in the passenger seat was Niki. "Hello you two!" She said, her voice soft and sweet as usual. "Hi Niki!" Y/n said, climbing into the back with Tommy. "Ugh cramped in the back." Tommy complained. Y/n had an idea, "Just sit sideways, and you can rest your legs on the seat." Tommy thought about it for a moment. "But then I'd be laying my feet on you. And that wouldn't be very nice." Y/n shrugged as she buckled her seat belt. "Better than cramped and sore legs." Tommy finally agreed and stretched his legs across the middle seat.

The drive was about 2 hours to Georges house, Tommy eventually moving places and falling asleep in Y/n's lap. Niki had looked back to check on them, and saw Y/n scrolling on her phone, absent mindedly stroking Tommy's head as he napped. They had stopped at a light so Niki nudged Wilbur and motioned for him to look back. Wilbur smiled and sneakily snapped a picture.

Y/n became excited as they pulled into George's driveway. She couldn't get out however, as Tommy was deep asleep on her legs. Y/n smiled and said hello as he got into the car, moving Tommy's feet so he could somewhat fit in the seat. "Sorry, I didn't want to wake him up..." She says as George grumbled. "It's ok, he's just too damn long." She smiled and stared down at Tommy's sleeping face as they pulled back out and onto the road.

They eventually made it to the airport, Y/n was having trouble convincing Tommy to get up. "Tommy we are literally at the airport. The plane leaves in an hour and a half, we have to GO." She heard Tommy whine and yell no, although muffled as his head was stuffed into her side. He turned his head so he could speak properly, "As long as I get to sit next to you." Y/n huffed, but ruffled his hair, "Of course you're sitting next to me! Now off!" Tommy begrudgingly got up from his laying position in the car to standing outside. Everyone except him and Y/n were ready to go.

"Hurry up lovebirds. We have places to be!" George shouted at them as they grabbed their bags. Wilbur and Niki snickered as Tommy and Y/n blushed at the comment. They made their way inside from the parking garage and went straight through security and to their gate. They lounged around waiting for the boarding call. Tommy had gone back to laying on Y/n's lap, although just scrolling through his phone. Y/n was doing the same, but glanced down every couple seconds to make sure Tommy didn't fall asleep again.

Finally they called for boarding, and the five of them made their way on. The flight was fairly empty so they practically had free range of seats. Y/n placed her bags in the overhead carriage before sitting, choosing a window seat of course. Tommy slid into the seat next to her, pulling out his phone and taking a quick selfie. Y/n giggled at the silly face he made while she was smiling. He captioned it "Hope you're excited to meet us ;)" and tagged Dream before posting it to his twitter.

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